Chapter 15

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I sat quietly in the passenger seat of a small car with a fancy interior. I was exhausted from the amount of crying I had done over the last hour. I just sat drained, leaning my head against the window and listening to the gentle hum of the engine. The sun was well above the horizon now and the warmth of it against my face was comforting, until I started thinking about the next time I would feel the sun on my face. I closed my eyes and sighed heavily.

The vampire in the drivers seat hadn't said anything to me the whole drive, except to shush me when my crying became audible.

"Did you really let his family go?" I croaked, my voice sounded old and worn; from the crying I assumed.

He chuckled. I shuddered. He had brown hair that was cut short, and red eyes. He truly looked younger than I was. He glanced at me and observed me much the same way I was observing him.

"What's your name?" I whispered. His expression changed. Less jeering, suddenly more professional.

"That is none of your concern." He replied, looking back at the road.

A few minutes later the car came around a corner and the looming grey fenced-in prison from my nightmares stood just ahead. It looked more daunting than I remembered and I could feel my heart speed. I was suddenly struck with a desperation to try just one more time. Reckless abandon, I tried to open the door, unsurprised to find it locked. I turned to the vampire.

"Please," I begged. "Please let me go, I'm begging you not to make me go back." My voice was shaky. He shook his head.

"You have to go back." He stated simply. We pulled up to the gate and it swung forward. I spun around to watch as it swung closed behind us. Hopelessness settled on my shoulders and in the pit of my stomach like a heavy weight.

He stopped the car and walked around to pull me out, but gently. He walked towards the gate, tailing me behind him. I took one last savoring glance at the sunshine, before he towed me through a door and it slammed heavily behind us.

The vampire led me down a few halls, and finally to a very familiar room; my old cell. He opened the door, and gestured inside. Almost trance-like, I obediently walked in. He closed and locked my cell door. And then stood outside for a moment.

Finally he said, "my name is Adam." And then walked away.

I laid down on the blue sleeping bag I was all too framiliar with and sat in a trance for who knows how long. Eventually I heard the sound of echoing footsteps. It must have been hours later. My door opened and there was an unfamiliar man there. He helped me up, gently, and escorted me out of my cell by my upper arm. I knew where we were going before we got there. The room that Sir Liken had interogated me in however many months ago. As soon as I sat down, Adam closed strapped my hands to the chair. I hung my head hopelessly.

A few minutes passed and I heard the door open, then several pairs of feet came in. I saw mostly the boots that were a part of the guards uniform, maybe 8 or 9 of those, and then several softer pairs of tennis shoes, which were at the bottom of blue doctors pants. Finally there was a pair of shiny black shoes.

The door closed behind the parade of vampires. I kept my head down. The shiny black shoes were the only things that moved, and the sound of them echoed in the room. I knew, of course, who these shoes belonged to. I knew the vampire that was prowling around me.

"7632. You are a tough girl to find." Sir Likens voice was just like out of my nightmares. Suddenly I was frightfully afraid for my baby. Such an innocent child shouldnt have to hear such a horrible monsters voice. I began to shake.

"Good to know you've learned a proper respect for the superior race." Sir Liken said in a slick, gloating voice. He leaned in and put his lips near my ear. "You are nothing. Nothing but a walking juice box. You are weak and useless and diserve nothing less than to be drained for the rest of your life."

The truth of his words struck me, and I felt my will crumple. What was the point of trying to keep up my defiance, my self-esteem. This was not our world, it was theirs. The world of Vampires, and I was just living in it. Taking up space. I kept my eyes on the ground, but felt a tear slide down my face.

Sir Liken stood up, and adressed the group surrounding me. "This girl will now be under 24 hour surveillance. We have seen the effects of Rh negative blood, and it is more valuable than any of us could have imagined. She is with child, and it will most likely share the same blood. Now listen to me when I say this: no one will harm her until the baby is born. No one will feed from her. The punishment for feeding off of 7632 will be death. Understand?" There was a murmer of understanding.

Sir Liken bent down to whisper once again in my ear. "As for you, I would enjoy these next few months before the baby is born, because once we have the child, there is nothing to stop me from making you pay for the chaos you caused when you escaped. And the hell I personally had to answer to because of you." And he trailed his fingers gently down my wet cheek, an ironic reminder of the torment to come when I had the baby. I flinched away from his touch, shaking with fear still.

The footsteps filed out now. Sir Liken called over his shoulder, "she's all yours."

Next thing I felt were hands, undoing my restraints. They were gentle, doctors hands, and I knew them well. Dr Chad helped me to my feet. He put his hand under my chin and gently lifted it till our eyes met. There was such a depth in his eyes, such sadness.
"Things are going to be different Bell. It won't be like before." He said. I wanted to beleive him, but Sir Likens threat hung above me dauntingly.

Suddenly I was very tired, and just wanted to go to sleep. My eyes drooped and Dr Chad nodded, seeming to understand.

"Let's get you to your room." He said, guiding me out of the room. I noticed he said room and not cell. I let him guide me through different halls and corriders until we reached a door that looked much less mrnacing. It was a dark wooden door, and it has a small peep hole and a big key hole in it. He pulled out a key ring and found the match, putting it in and turning it until I heard a click.

The door swung open and we stepped in. It was a small apartment that looked like a mix between a home office and a science lab. There was lots of doctors equipment, as well as a dark green couch, a matching armchair and a mini-fridge. I was confused.

"Is this my room?" I asked.

"No," he told me, "it's mine." I was befuddled. Dr Chad walked straight forward to where there was a hallway. At the end of the hallway was a metal door, with bars at the small window. I stopped walking.

"This is your room." Dr Chad said. He opened the door and I saw a small, but comfortable-looking bed, with a nightstand. There was also a rug and a little desk with a chair. Off to the side was a very simple bathroom with only a toilet. There was a stack of bankets on my bed.

"Why?" I asked. I didn't feel appreciative for the upgrade. Instead I felt suspicious. Dr Chad shrugged.

"The conditions they kept you in last time might compromise the baby. They want you in full health so there are no complications." He explained, eyeing my face. My hands caressed my stomach. The poor child inside me. I wondered again what life would be like for my baby. I sank to my knees. Dr Chad was by my side in an instant.

"Are you in pain?" He asked. I shook my head. "Bell you need to talk to me. What's worrying you?" He demanded.

"I just... wish I could protect my baby from you monsters." I spat quietly. He stood up. I didn't look up at him, a little afraid that he was angry with me. But when he spoke his voice was gentle.

"I'm trying to help you. This life that you have is as good as any human today could dream of having." He said.

"And when I have my baby?" I demanded. "When my child is ripped away from me, what then? Sir Liken wants to see me suffer." My voice cracked, giving away my fear. Dr Chad was quiet for a moment.

"I won't let him hurt you Bell." He murmered finally. I looked into his sincere eyes, and wished I could beleive him.

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