Chapter 3

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When I woke up, I couldn't tell what time it was or how long I had slept. I opened my eyes and stood up. I was in a small stone room with no windows, and a single orange lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. More of a cell than a room really. the door looked thick and heavy, and had a see through bar section at the top.

The soft cushion I was sleeping on turned out to be a dirty blue sleeping bag. I went over and looked out the bar. All I could see was another cell. it had a bared window like mine. I couldn't see anyone in there. I sighed and sat back down. My stomach growled. I wish I knew what time it was.

I sat alone and thought about Ryan and the group for about an hour before my thoughts were interrupted. the door opened and Bryce came in. I shrunk away in fear. He disregarded my fear and lifted me from the ground like a child. He led me into the hall with his hand on my upper arm.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked. Bryce ignored me. My stomach growled again. We reached another door, and he went in.

Unlike the rest of this place, this room was clean. VERY clean. It looked like a hospital room mixed with a science lab. There was another male vampire in there and a female. they wore doctor suits. The other male came and helped Bryce get me on the table. He needed it too. I struggled and made it as difficult as I could for them to get me on the table. When they did, they strapped me down at my ankles, wrists, and hips. I continued to struggle, trying to get out, as Bryce left.

"What do you want with me?" I asked. I didn't want to know the answer I just wanted them to say SOMETHING. I needed to hear them speak. Or for them to look me in the eye. Once they had gathered and organized whatever equipment they were working with, they checked my vitals. Then they stood back and waited, watching the door. Not moving. I stopped struggling.

The silence was thick with dominance. I looked at the vampires. They had white masks over their mouths, but I could see their eyes. Hers were blue, his were brown. They were very lovely. Too bad they belonged to such monsters.

The door opened. Sir Liken came in. he was wearing a black suit. I guess I didn't get a good look at him before. he was very handsome. But it was very difficult to focus on that because I was having difficulty tearing my eyes from his dangerous red ones.

"Hello 7632," he said softly. I glared at him. Just because I was scared of him, didn't erase how angry I was at him.

"Today you are going to learn how things are run around here." he continued, smiling slightly.

"Maybe if you vampires weren't such dumb asses you wouldn't need blood farms. Did it ever occur to you bastards that you might NEED to keep more than a few humans around?" I blurted. I don't know why I said it. it was foolish. I was too vulnerable right now to be spitting things like that at a vampire.

He just looked at me for a moment, then took a step closer. He kept getting closer. He was moving very slow... it make me uneasy. He put his hands on either side of my head, resting them on the table. He inhaled.

"You're very special, did you know that?" Sir Liken asked. I said nothing.

"Not only, do you have the rarest blood in the world running through your veins, but it is also the most valuable. A vampire that drinks Rh negative blood, is 10 times stronger, and faster than other vampires. In the days of the early war, great leaders would hunt out all the Rh negatives and use them as feeding sources for their warriors. To be honest I thought they were extinct except for the other one we have in custody-"

"You mean captivity." I spat. He continued as if he hadn't heard me.

"So now that we have a male and a female, we will waste no time in breeding you."

"I'm not an animal!" I yelled. He looked at me angrily. He took a breath to calm down a little.

"Stubbornness must be an Rh negative thing.." he mumbled. "If you do not cooperate it will be a very unpleasant experience for you." He said.

my stomach growled, breaking the silence. Mr. Liken looked at he doctors.

"Saturate her hunger, then send her to the harvesting wing." he said. I didn't like the sound of that.

I was expecting food, but instead I had a needle pumped into my arm. It made my stomach stop growling, but I still wanted food.

"Don't you guys have any people food here?" I asked. They didn't say anything. I sighed. When they had "saturated my hunger", they unhooked me from the table and led me back out into the dirty hall.

The harvesting wing was just a long hallway with lots of doors with labels on them. They were labeled with numbers. We stopped at a door labeled "Rh negative; 3" They opened the door and took me inside.

It was another hospital/science lab looking room. There was a doctor, but his back was turned. The two doctors that had brought me in, strapped me down as they had done in the other room. The doctor turned around.

My breath hitched in my throat as I laid eyes on the most beautiful man I had ever seen. His brown hair was perfectly folded around his sharp jawline. He had small thin lips that were a soft velvet color. His eyes were Carmel brown, and warm. He looked at me, and his eye brows turned down in almost a sympathetic way.

"Thank you Shelby, Michael," he said, nodding his head at the other two doctors. He looked down at me when they left. He smiled softly.

"I'm just going to take some blood, is that okay?" he asked gently. His charm ha gotten to me, but this snapped me out of it.

"No.. please.." I said. For some reason he seemed different than all the other vampires. "Help me out of here..." I whispered. He shook his head.

"I can't do that..." He looked down at his clipboard, "7632."

"My name is Bell." I corrected.

"I am only permitted to call my patients by they're number," the doctor said, gathering equipment. He walked over to me with his needles and such. He put a wet cloth on my arm and then punctured my arm with a small needle. I watched as it drained my blood, through a tube, and into a liter sized zip lock bag. He walked away and began shuffling things on his table.

"How many humans are here?" I asked bitterly.

"Well, this farm, 216, is one of the largest farms, containing around 500 humans." He answered, not turning around.

"How many Rh negatives are there?"

"Including you? Two."

Wow. There goes my hope for escaping. If it was impossible to escape with normal blood, it's gonna be useless to attempt it now. Curse my rare blood.

I began to get light headed as he switched the bag out, and a new one began filling up. I began feeling very sleepy. The doctor walked up to me and put a syringe in my arm. It strung a little.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's so that you won't get hungry again." he said. I frowned.

"I want food." I said.

"I know." he replied. I sighed and closed my eyes. Suddenly he took the needle out of my arm, and undid my chains. I tried to get up and run, but my legs weren't cooperating.

"Don't try." the doctor demanded. "You're too weak to go anywhere."

The door opened and Bryce came in. He picked me up bridal style and took my to my cell. He set me down on my sleeping bag, then crouched beside me and studied my face.

"Go away," I said. He just laughed. He picked up my wrist.

"What are you-" my question was cut short when Bryce slapped his hand over my mouth, and bit into my wrist. He drank slower than he did last time, I could feel it. It was incredibly more painful. He didn't take as much this time, and pulled out just before I passed out. He was out of breath, and I was struggling to draw breath.

"Remember," he said quietly, "tell anyone, and I'll snap your neck."

I passed out before he reached the door.

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