Chapter 10

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I wrenched my hand out of Zachary's, but before I could get more than a foot, Bryce had me.

"No!" I screamed. I fought against him uselessly. Zachary just stood there looking dazed again.

"Zachary!" I yelled at him. Zachary looked at me.

"Bell", he said alarmed, as if only just noticing me. He started towards me to help but Bryce stood up and looked at him. Zachary's defiance seemed to melt away and his yes glazed over again. what was Bryce doing to him??

"Zachary!!" I screamed.

"Shut your mouth," Bryce growled.

"No! What are you doing to him!" I yelled trying uselessly to get out of his grasp.

"Bryce stop this!!" I spun around when I heard the voice. it was Dr. Chad. Sir Liken and almost 20 other vampires were there as well. Sir Liken looked furious.

"Bryce give me them now." He yelled.

Bryce shifted his feet, his eyes darting from one vampire to the next. Then he threw me to Zachary who caught me automatically and restrained me. I was really getting tired of being restrained.

"Zachary let me go," I said quietly. he didn't respond.

"Zachary, whatever he's told you, he lied. He is going to do worse to us than we ever had done to us here." I pleaded quietly.

"Shut up Bell," Bryce said annoyed. "You're coming with us that's the end of it."

"Like hell is it!" Yelled Sir Liken. The other vampires started forward. suddenly Bryce turned to me. he put his hands on my shoulders. suddenly I couldn't move.

"I need you to just stand still and stay out of the way for a minute." he said. his voice echoed. his eyes bore into mine. I tried to move.

I couldn't.

Then the vampires attacked. Bryce started fighting against the first ones who reached us, while Zachary turned and ran.

My eyes flickered to the right and I could see Zachary running toward the gate. my stomachs dropped when I realized what he was releasing when he opened the door. Approximately 20 vampires came out. This must be Bryce's clan.

Now I focused on my own body. I had to move, I had to run. This could be my only chance at getting away. With everyone fighting one another and the courtyard gates wide open. If I could only move my legs...

But no. It's seemed no matter how hard I tried it was impossible to move.

The fighting went on. Zachary fell at one point and had fangs plunged into his neck. He didn't get back up. I tried to say his name, but my lips wouldn't move. Vampires began falling. Vampires would lock eyes with me and come at me, only to get thrown back by Bryce, who made his sole purpose to guard me.

Finally he seemed to decide that it was time to go. With his clan holding off the Blood farm vampires, he gave me a look. suddenly I was able to move, not I wasn't in control. He had me walking out towards the gate. slowly. Then Zachary joined me. my breath was coming in short gasps in my efforts to run as fast as I could. I didn't know vampires had mind control abilities. why haven't I ever heard of that happening?

Me and Zachary left the fighting behind us, slowly walking out towards the forests. I glanced at Zachary out of the corner of my eye. His face was screwed up in the effort to break the control over himself. I moved my eyes back ahead.

"Pain," he suddenly grunted. I glanced at him again. His hand was balled in a fist and there was a slow drip of blood coming from him. He turned his head and looked at me, his eyes filled with more pain than just his hand bleeding.

"Do it," he huffed. It took me a few minutes to get my fingers to move, but then I dug my nails into my hands. It hurt, not TOO bad, but it did hurt. I tried to stop my feet. They didn't stop, but they slowed, my foot hesitating before every step.

With the sounds of the battle dimming behind us, Zachary and I put all of our effort into changing the direction of our footsteps, instead of halting them. I could hear him next to me, grunting with the effort.

After about a half hour, our feet both lurched to a stop. I looked at Zachary and he glanced back at me, his face void of expression.

Suddenly we heard a dark chuckle behind us. my breath caught in my throat with fear.

"You guys shouldn't have exposed blood." Bryce said from behind us. Suddenly Bryce let our minds go. We spun around and looked at Bryce. His clan was behind him, everyone bloody and rattles looking. there eyes were crazed with thirst, the way I've seen Bryce's so many times.
Bryce looked excited, many of the others did as well.

Bryce looked from me to Zachary, then back to me.

"Run," he whispered. Knowing he was playing with us, knowing we would need get away, we ran like hell.

Life On A Blood Farm (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now