Chapter 12

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After nearly two months with the Alton clan, I decided I would rather be dead. Zachary had the award for optimism, saying that maybe the vampires from Bloodfarm 216 would find us, seeing as they valued us so. Yes, we would rather be with Sir Liken then be captives of this clan. But alas, we had been traveling almost every day. I had no idea where we were going and what we were headed to, but it was away from the blood farm, from Dr chads kindness.

Neither of us ever had quite enough energy to do anything except walk a few feet at a time. they fed us mostly bread and berries and other fruit.

Every single day we were fed from. At first I was in too much pain to notice much, but I had begun to see a pattern. My costumers consisted mostly of the "elderly" looking, and the children. Zachary had all the young ones. The ones that looked 20's, 30's and even some early 40's. I didn't envy him- the elderly and children were more gentle. The young adults tore mercilessly into Zachary's flesh.

It was listening to Zachary's Agonized screams that made me begin my concoction for a suicide plan.

"It would be better to be dead." I told him one night. We were laying in a tent, shackles around our ankles keeping us a few feet from a black pole. The chilly late Automn air had caused me and Zachary too be unusually close, attempting to share body heat. His arms were around me and my knees were over his lap. It was comfortable.

"Don't say that," he told me.

"How could you say differently? There's nothing in this world worth living for," I spat.

"There is ," he said quietly.

I glowered at his annoying optimism.

"You're never gonna see her again Zachary, I'm sorry." I told him.
He didn't listen.

"I am gonna find Rose once we get out of this mess. We can all travel together. we will find a new group to travel with. who knows? We might even run into your old group!"
I rolled my eyes, but nevertheless I wondered once again about my old group. My family, Sarah.... I missed them so dearly. But I knew my blood was much too coveted for me to ever return to them-I would only bring destruction and death.

"We could travel far away," he went on.
"Live somewhere remote where we will be left alone. start a new life. Have children."

I stayed quiet. I wouldn't bring a child into this world.

Bryce didn't seem as interested on us having a baby as Sir Liken was. I was greatful, at least, that that was over. The thought of having a child and it being taken away and fed from as a baby made me want to vomit.

We fell asleep like that. draped over each other, but still not warm. I awoke in the early hours of light to the camp being packed up. I looked around for Zachary, but couldn't spot him. all I could see were vampires here and there breaking down tents and such. Bryce and Alton were conversing with a pretty woman, who I learned was a doctor/nursery woman, named Savannah. I had seen her taking care of the young, and she was the one who brought them over to feed. I leaned my head back against the pole I was still chained to.

"Bell," savannah said quietly. I cracked my eyes open; she had moved right in front of me. she unchained my hands.

"It's time to go," she said helping me up.

"I haven't eaten," I croaked. An elderly vampire, who was apparently over 600 years old, was in charge of bringing me food, I hadn't seen him today.

"Neither have i," savannah said eyeing my throat.

"Thank you savannah, I've got it from here." said a voice. It was Alton. Savannah bowed her head in respect and stepped out of the tent. I looked Alton in the face indifferently. He looked in my eyes as he approached.

"Where's Zachary?" I demanded.

"Providing breakfast," Alton said. My stomach clenched. Poor Zachary.

"What do you want Alton?" I asked, not hostily, but not kindly either. He swallowed hard.

"I'm hungry, and sense you are unaware of clan traditions I will fill you in. most vampires feed at least once a week, our clan at least. the clan leader feeds once every 2 months, but gets to drain a human completely."

I froze in fear. Remembering my wish from last night, it suddenly hit me, the irony, that I would be getting what i had wished for. he stepped closer.

"I never imagined a human could be so beautiful," he murmured. My eyes flickered to the ground. Alton often said things like this. flattering, flirtatious, uncomfortable.

"Just do it and be done Alton," I hissed. I was in no mood for his games. No sooner had I said it then he was on me. his big hands wrapped around my small wrists. I shuddered and he slowly moved his face towards my throat. He breathed in, his nose touching my throat lightly. The thought of my approaching death brought a terrified fluttering from my heart.

I prepared myself for the pain, but what I was not ready for, was Alton kissing my neck. My pulse quickened. his hand left my wrists and wrapped around my waist, holding me to him.

"Alton.." I began pleadingly.

"Shhhh..." he interrupted, then returned to harassing my throat. He slipped his hand under my shirt, I gasped at how cold his hand was. I'd never been touched by a boy like this. It was not at all what i expected. Unpleasant, uncomfortable. I tried to push him off me, but i might as well have been pushing a brick wall.

"Please don't," I whispered. he ignored me. This could not be happening to me.

"Alton," I started, but he slapped a hand harshly over my mouth. I began to struggle, trying uselessly to push him off of me. His hand was making it's way to my breast when I tried screaming.

It seemed he had lost interest, for his hands stopped their movement and his fangs plunged into my throat. I continued screaming, with his hand drowning out the noise. It had never been so painful to be fed from. He drank with the urgency of a starving vampire, but still managed to control his pace and made is slow and agonizing. I stopped screaming, as it was draining me of energy faster. I got light headed after about 30 minutes. after that I was in and out of consciousness. I was vaguely aware of Alton pulling out his fangs and leaving me on the floor, then I blacked out, to await death in unconsciousness.

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