Chapter 5

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Apparently I had been out for a while, because when I woke up, I was on the table in Doctor Chads room. I was strapped down, of course, and I had all sorts of wires and machines hooked up to me.

"Bell," said Doctor Chad, sounding surprised, "you're awake!" He stepped into my view.

"How long was I out?" I asked, my voice was croaky.

"Almost 4 days." he replied. I sighed.

"We are going to have to do some tests soon," Doctor Chad informed me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Your respiratory system is definitely not producing enough blood, we may have to take less," he replied. I paled. what would happened when they found out there was nothing wrong with my respiratory system? I think Doctor Chad heard my heart accelerate.

"What is it Bell?" he asked softly. He could be so nice sometimes. It was almost like having a friend in this hellhole.

"Nothing I just... I've never liked tests." I said. He knew I was lying. I can't lie to vampires because they can hear my heart speed up. He didn't question me further, but I knew he was going to eventually. Doctor Chad didn't say anything for the rest of the time I was in there. He worked around, filing papers, and taking tests.

Life went on at blood farm 216. I continued dreading the day sir liken would question me again, but in almost three months i heard nothing from him.

"Why don't I ever get any food?" I complained one day.

"Why do you always complain," dr chad said from behind his microscope.

"You need to ask that?" I said sarcastically, "have you seen my life?" I laughed bitterly. Dr chad stood up and walked over to me, smiling slightly.

"Well I'll make you a deal, I'll bring you a banana one day if you stop complaining." I pretended to considerhis offer for a moment.

"Deal," I said. He laughed and went back to his microscope.

I was going to ask what he was looking at when suddenly the door burst open, and a boy came in. Right off the back I could tell he was human. I had almost forgotten I wasn't the only human left in the world. He looked at me. He was panting and his face was flushed.

Doctor Chad made no moved to remove this boy from his room, but instead looked curiously up from his microscope. "Zachary," he said startled.  The boy ran over to me, keeping his eyes on Doctor Chad. I don't know how he got it, but he unlocked my cuffs with a key. I sat up and doctor chad moved to restrain Zachary at the same time the door burst open.

Four people burst in. Sir Liken, Bryce, and another male vampire who I didn't recognize, who was holding a human girl in his grasp. Zackary ran behind me, sir liken distracted by the sudden crowd in his lab.  I thought Zachary  was being a coward until he put something sharp against my throat. I stiffened.

"Zachary stop this foolishness now!" growled Sir Liken. I could feel Zachary's chest heaving on my back as he held me against him.

"Don't move or I'll kill her." he said. His voice cracked. He couldn't be older than 20. Bryce took a step forward, and Zachary pressed the blade into my neck slightly. I gasped.

"Sorry," he mumbled in my ear. Bryce backed up.

"You!" said Zachary, talking to Doctor Chad, "undo her ankles."

Doctor Chad looked at Sir Liken, who nodded his head furiously. Hope spread like a wildfire through me as Doctor Chad undid my ankle chains. I swung my legs off the table, and Zachary held me tight to him, with the knife at my throat.

"Back up," commanded Zachary. Sir Liken gave a deadly stare as he backed up, Bryce and the rest going with them. The girl let out a sob.

"Please don't leave me Zach.." she gasped. She gave Zachary a pained expression.

"Let Rose go," he demanded.

"Don't," growled Sir Liken at the man who was holding her. "Give her to me," he said. The man threw her into Sir Likens awaiting arms. He took out a dagger of his own, and held it to her throat. I felt Zachary tense up.

"If you want Bell to stay alive, you're gonna give her to me." he said. Sir Liken laughed.

"You may put on a tough show, but I know you Zachary, you couldn't hurt a girl."

"I'm so sorry," he breathed in my ear, before plunging the dagger into my upper thigh. I screamed and my legs gave out. Zachary held me up, and took out a small pocket knife. I looked over at Doctor Chad, who had a face of a doctor unable to help a patient. Sir Liken hissed, and started forward possesively.

"One more step and I'll kill her!" yelled Zachary. Sir Liken froze. I could feel blood gushing out of the open wound on my thigh. I groaned.

"Now here's the deal," he announced. "Bell doesn't have long to live, if you give me Rose, I will give you Bell. She needs a doctor."

"You listen to me boy," sir liken spat, "there is no way you or Bell are getting out of here."

Zachary was quiet for a minuet.

"Then just Rose," he said. Sir Liken looked down at the young crying girl in disgust.

"Let Rose go, and I will cooperate." he promised.

"Zach no!" sobbed Rose. I laid my head back on Zachary's shoulder and closed my eyes.

"She is losing her strength fast!!" Doctor Chad said urgently to sir liken.

"I'm gonna pull the knife out if you don't let Rose go right now!" yelled Zachary. I pleaded with my eyes to Doctor Chad to do something. Zachary grasped the dagger handle. I drew breath and braced myself.

"Wait." said Sir Liken quietly. Zachary froze. Sir Liken smiled.

"You've got a deal," he said cooly.

"I'm not letting her go until I see that Rose is free, and you have to promise that you won't bother her again." Zachary said.

"Of course," said Sir Liken.

The next moments were exceedingly painful. Our whole party moved down two flights of stairs, 4 halls, and out into a courtyard, right to the edge of a big black gate. Zachary supported most of my weight as I leaned on him. The sunlight blinded me, not having seen it in 4 and 1/2 months.

Sir Liken opened the gates and threw Rose out, shutting and locking the gates behind her. Rose looked back through at Zachary, and a tear slid down her face.

"You better run," Bryce said. I winced as Zachary readjusted me in his arms. Rose turned around and ran. We watched her until she dipped off into the forest. Zachary released me gently to the ground. immediately, Bryce and the other male vampire grabbed his arms. Zachary didn't fight them. Sir liken threw a punch into Zachary's stomach. He grunted and doubled over. I didn't see the rest of the beating Zachary got because  Doctor Chad picked me up and rushed me back to his room, where he poked me with needles containing painkillers. I was asleep during surgery, but when I woke up my leg wound hurt really bad.

"Where is Zachary?" I croaked. Doctor Chad didn't answer me. I envied Rose. I wanted someone to love me enough to go through that much trouble to save me from this hell I was living in. She was lucky girl. I know I should be mad at Zachary, but I couldn't bring myself to actually hate him. Being human nowadays has an effect of bringing people closer together.

Bryce came in later and took me to my room. He sat me down on my sleeping bag then listened to make sure no one was around.

"They're going to test my respiratory system because they think something is wrong with it.." I said.

"Shut up." Bryce growled. I don't think he even heard what I said. He was blinded by hunger. When he was sure no one was around, he covered my mouth, and shoved his fangs into my neck. I screamed but it made no difference. No one would hear me and it sure didn't help the pain. When he finally pulled away, leaving me dizzy, he walked over to the door and said before leaving, "remember, tell anyone, and you'll wish you hadn't."

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