Chapter 6

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Life for me went back to normal for 2 weeks before Doctor Chad tested my respiratory system. He took blood, and made me run a little bit, seeing how far I could go before stopping. He took me outside. Not having been aloud to run in so long, my score was through the roof outstanding.

When Bryce took me back to my cell I had the air knocked out of me when his fist rammed into my stomach. I crumpled to the ground and had to try very hard to draw breath.

"What was that for?" I gasped, eyes watering in pain. He glared at me.

"For doing so good on your tests." He growled.

"If you hadn't let any energy out for 5 months you would have done the same!" I said.

"Listen to me bitch, something is going on here, something bigger than you, and I will need your blood to do it. if you get us caught, I will have to take you away from here, where your life will consist of me and my clan feeding off you until you're too weak to move, then waiting until you're strong enough and doing it again, and again, and again." he said quietly. A shiver ran down my spine. As much as I hated this place, nothing about Bryce's clan sounded fun.

"What do I do?" I whispered. Bryce thought for a moment.

"I don't care, just don't let them know it was me understand?" he hissed. Then he left. I got up off the ground and hugged my abdomen. It was bruised.

The next day, when Doctor Chad was taking my blood, his elbow nudged against my stomach. I winced. He looked at me confused and then lifted my shirt, revealing a purple bruise on my tummy.

"What's this?" he asked. I know he heard my heart accelerate. I was quite for a moment.

"I got up and was trying to find my bathroom and I hit my stomach on the edge of the sink." i said. There WAS a bathroom in my room so this story made sense. He looked at me incredulously for a moment. He was so handsome.

"What is the sense in lying to me?" he said quietly. "I can always tell." I kept my mouth shut.

"Okay well your respiratory system seems to be working fine.. there must be an alternate source draining blood." he was thoughtful for a moment while I focused on keeping my heart steady.

"Has anyone fed off of you directly?" he asked. I shook my head. Doctor Chad pursed his lips.

"You're lying." He said.

"I'm not," I denied quickly.

"Bell I can hear your heart," he said. I looked away from him.

"If you don't tell me I will have to have Sir Liken ask these questions, it wasn't very plesent last time if you recall," he said. I gulped, but I knew he wouldn't do it.

He finished taking my blood and Bryce came back and escorted me to my room. I sat down on my sleeping bag right when we got in, ready to fight. I was not in the mood to be fed from. To my surprise, Bryce didn't follow me in. He just threw me in my room and left. I was relieved of course but also confused.

Nearly an hour after Bryce left, the door opened, awaking me from slumber. It was the male doctor that had come in my room the day I met Zachary.

"Hello," he said. His voice was gruff. He came in and shut the door. I backed up against the wall.

He said nothing else to me, and picked me up, slamming me against the wall and biting into my neck. He didn't cover my mouth like Bryce did, so my screams rang freely throughout the room. After 5 minuets of feeding, the door burst open and the vampire was thrown off of me. I looked up weakly and saw Doctor Chad and Bryce. Bryce made me drink his blood, then escorted the vampire out.

It was obvious what Bryce had done. He set up this other vampire. it looked like it had worked too, I thought as I laid pathetically limp on my sleeping bag.

"Why didn't you just tell me," dr chad  said exasperated.

"He threatened to kill me," i said miserably. Dr Chad picked me up and looked me in the face.

"You need to stop lying," he said quietly. I fliched and his eyes turned down in pity. He dropped my on the floor of my cell and left, slamning the door. Doctor Chad was usually more gentle with me, but he was still a vampire, and it was easy for them to forget how fragile we were.

"Are you okay?" I heard someone say. I sat up and looked around. No one was there.

"Bell, Are you okay?" the person repeated. I stood up and walked over to the small cage bars on my door. I looked out woozily, and in the pale green light I could make out a face in the door across from me.

"Are you okay?" he repeated. It was Zachary. I know I should be angry with him, for what he did to me, but really I couldn't help but admire him.

"Yes," I whispered. He had brown hair and very light green eyes. like sunlight streaming through trees. he had a few freckles sprinkled under his eyes. His eyebrows were turned down in pity.

"I'm sorry," he said. I knew what he was talking about.

"How long have you been here?" I asked.

"9 years. They found me and my brother when I was 8." He said.

"Where is your brother?"

"I don't know.." he said quietly. "I don't know if he is here or not. I don't even know if he's alive."

"I'm sorry," I said.

"It's okay," Zachary said. We were both quiet for a moment.

"Bell," he whispered. I looked up at him.

"We are going to get out of here, I promise."

I smiled and went back to my sleeping bag.

Those words stuck with me for the following nights.


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