Chapter 12

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"Hey there kiddo, enjoying the barbecue so far?" A figure sits on the empty space next to her and gives her a warm smile. Krystal looks up from her polystyrene plate and returned Xiumin's smile. "Nae. Thanks umin oppa for asking." But Xiumin knew her smile didn't quite reached her eyes. He looks around the penthouse and switches the mood to a lighter one; "Nice penthouse Chanyeol has huh?" She nods, her head still duck.

"Ah, where's Kris oppa?" Krystal questions and bit a piece of her steak.

The door to the penthouse squeaks open to reveal two figures.

"Speak of the devil." Xiumin jokes.

Krystal stands up, her nose flaring. She throws her plate into the bin nearby and takes her sling bag to leave the place. She couldn't stand being in the same place as her.

"Soojung wait-" Jessica calls out to her when she brushes past her.

Krystal didn't listen and instead she quickens her steps away from them all. Jessica grabs her wrist and pulls her in front of her self.

"What do you want you low life-" Krystal hisses.

A loud smack filled the cold December air. Jessica had slapped her own sister. Sehun stands up to see what the commotion was about and frowns when he sees this.

"Sehun, no." Krystal warns, the tears threatening to fall out of the corner of her eyes.

"Jesus Krystal, you want me to act like an older sister but you never let me!"

"Why bother being one now? What's the point? Why didn't you acted like one when I needed you? Where were you when I needed you the most?" Krystal quivers as she bit her lips.

She walks pass by her older sibling when she hears no reply from her.

"Kwon Haesun was released from jail yesterday." Jessica suddenly announces, causing Krystal to freeze in her steps.

She turns around to face Jessica. "You're lying."

"Krystal maybe you should sit down-"

"Liar! I made sure that I kept him behind bars forever 16 years ago. Do you think I'm stupid Jess,-"

"Watch the tv. I dare you." The older challenged.

Krystal could feel her knees growing weak. Sehun immediately sprints next to her and held her by the arm.

"That's why I didn't show up in court 16 years ago. I knew that this was bound to happen. I knew that sooner or later, the American police would be corrupted as well."

Krystal stayed rigid, her mouth wide open.

"Because now he's not going to look for dad, not me, not the judge who sentenced him to jail for life. He's going to look for you Soojung, because you're responsible for putting him into that cell."

Krystal sucked in a breath and looked up at the night sky silently. The 12 boys watched the pair of siblings, too hesitant to say a word to cut off the intense situation.

"Let him find me." Weakly, she finds her voice and says.

"Soojung are you crazy? This is Kwon Haesun we're talking about!"

"Let him. I'm ready."

"He will kill you."

Krystal laughs to this. "Not unless if I find him first."

"No one is gonna kill anyone until I understand a shit that's going on alright?" Sehun finally speaks, breaking the sisters' contact.

"No. You boys will not be included in this. I've had enough of people dying for me."

"Shut up Soojung and get inside. If you won't speak then I will, because I don't want you to end up like mom." Jessica says, succeeding in silencing her up.


Krystal watches the television silently as Jessica explains to the boys about the history of their lives. Sehun was giving her rather a cold shoulder after finding out that she was a mafia herself, a lost heiress especially.

"Dang it, give me your cell, Jess. I'm calling Dylan."She stands up abruptly and shows a hand to Jessica.

"Who's Dylan?" Sehun asks carefully, with a hint of possessiveness in his voice.

"Her secret boyfriend."

"My best friend."

The sisters say at the same time.

"Are you insane?! I thought you came here to be the better big sis?!"

Jessica only giggle as she hands her little sis her cellphone.

Krystal glares at her and sighs. "Look guys, I'm sorry that I never told you anything about my past life, alright? Things have been difficult, and I'm still digesting the fact that my dad sold me off to a whore house and I would have probably rot in there to death if I never had come across your buddy Sehun over here ..." She quietly apologises.

"Apology accepted sweetheart." Kai muttered and ruffles her hair.

"Mei mei, you don't have to be sorry for anything okay?" Tao says with a smile, hugging her by the waist.

The rest of the boys gave her enlightening smiles and an assurance that they'll always be there for her.

"I'm just glad you're here with us." Kris whispers, earning looks from everyone.

Krystal attacks him with a hug, taking him by surprise before the latter pats her on the back. "Thank you, Kris." She utters in english, Kris smiling after that.

Jessica watches her sister from the sideline lovingly. Her Soojung was back.

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