Back Again

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 I woken from my nap, and took off. I was running as fast as my legs could go. And i was running out of energy. Fast! I wasn't paying attention where I was running and soon i felt like i was falling. And i was!

 While my body twisted and tumbled down the hill I could swear I heard someone scream something out. What seemed like hours I did the finale roll, that lead to me slamming into the cold ground. Pain shot throughout my body. Not like i just fell pain. But like I've been through hell and back! I screeched a unhuman sound.

 My heart was pounding right out of my chest, and the only thing i could say was " Is this my last moment..?"

 And while i layed on the brown leafs I also thought i would freeze to death, and when i thought all hope was lost i heard a sweet voice say " It's going to be okay."

Adriana's POV

 I saw the h/c girl tumble down the icy hill, and i swore i heard a crack and a bloody scream. While I made my way down the hill, ( that took about thirty minutes ). And since the wind started to pick up snow was pouring down fast.

 It was getting darker and I was afraid that this girls death would be because of me, because i didn't find her fast enough...

 As I was searching through the white icy  snow I heard someone say " Is this my last moment..? " Different emotions ran through me happiness, fear, anger, and other ones. When i looked at her i wanted to gasp but i didn't have the energy for that. She had snow in her h/c hair, blood along her leg and cheek, and rips in her pants and tights.

 I supported her weight on my shoulder, hoping I would get a frost bite. But i could already tell she had one. While i staggered my way to the house with the almost lifeless body on my shoulder, the only thing i could think of is everything is going to be okay...

 I opened the door to be met with nine boys. Some faces worried while others had a what's going on face. When Niall saw y/n he calmly walked over to her, took her from my grasp and left the room with her.

" I need someone to explain why  we have a girl here who is here but doesn't want to be here!"

Sure, i did know about what the guys did for a living but they did promise never to kidnap anyone. I sat down on the couch waiting for an explanation. Liam opened to speak but nothing came out. And i was glad about that!

" Niall was stalking y/n, and when she started to get a little more romantic with this guy Niall decided to kidnap her like he does to other girls he likes..."

" Thanks Harry..."

I was shocked this poor girl dragged away from her family because of some stupid crush!


To say i was mad is a lie. To say im fuming with anger, thats more like it... i heard Niall dashing down the stairs.

" Why would yo-"

I was inturupted by Niall saying



Im so mean! This took forever to write a part will be put up later today though. So stick around and I still have three more guys left, so tell me who you want and you will be that guys love interest!

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