Kiss and Tell?

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Your house/room thing up there! And dang you living the life... Okay besides getting kidnapped, your living the life!

And a heated scene, but not like anything bad, just a kiss!

Louis's POV

" Okay Hannah, here are the rules..."

I hated how Hannah looked, she looked cute and all it was just the pain. You could see the pain in her eye. Deep pain...

Niall's POV

" Okay Hannah, here are the rules..."

I tried to not smile when she glanced up at me with those big E/C eyes of hers. I handed her the paper, a paper that hopefully will make her fall in love with me.


I slowly reached up and grabbed the paper. I swear, he smiled. He had a beautiful smile, and I mean beautiful!

As I put the paper in front of me I read them...

1. Do not disobey

2. Clean up everything

3. Don't run away

4. Never talk back

5. You belong to Niall

I belong to Niall? Not so fast I am not a dog! I repeat not a dog!

" Who do you think you are?!"


Okay maybe I shouldn't have said that... I glanced at their reactions of my little moment. Zayn smirked, Liam frowned, Louis looked shocked, Harry was taken back, and Niall pure anger.

" Go to your room now, and I will be up there in a second!"

I scurried off, better get out of there quick. As I twisted and turned I was terrified of what would happen.

But soon made it to my room, trying to think of what would happen when he came up here.

I was snapped out of my thoughts, as I heard the door click... Who ever it was locked the door, and someone was in the room with me!

Niall's POV

She was sitting on her bed, clearly lost in her thoughts. I locked the door. She then snapped out of her thoughts.

Her face was so many emotions in one






Love? Hopefully this would work. I inched closer to her and pulled her close.

" You have been a bad girl... "


" You have been a bad girl..."

His irish voice sent electricity down my back, he then push me on the bed. I was on my back while he hovered over me.

He leaned down real close, I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

" You need to be punished. "

He whispered. Terrified is a underestimate.

He then lowered his lips to mine. I fought off the need to kiss back, but I couldn't.

The kiss was passionate, rough, sweet, and hungry all at the same time.

And as our lips moved in sync, I couldn't help to feel like I needed him. And as it got a little more heated I moaned.

He then rose up, smirked and left. I sat there confused. Did that just happen? That did not just happen...

I changed into some F/C pajamas, and snuggled under the covers, I needed sleep...

Zayn's POV

I couldn't help but feel guilty, that poor girl in there with NIALL! He was probably raping her for all we knew.

Liam POV

As much as I would love to be the nice guy, we are not nice guys. When the boys leave to conduct the back robbery I will stay here, and give her real pain...

Louis's POV

Such a special girl to have won Niall's heart... Too bad it won't last, Niall uses the girls we kidnap, make them feel like the only girl in the world.

Then rips their hearts out and puts a bullet through their brain

Harry POV

Think I was nice to her? It's an act hopefully I can get with her before Niall does, I sense a virgin on our hands.

Niall POV

Mine, all mine...

Leave her wanting more, then attack when she wants it so bad. But I'm just using her. Right? Okay maybe I'm slightly attracted to her.

But I could never, I repeat never love a inocent, funny, sassy, brave, gorgeous, and ho-

I need to shut up I act like I love her, but I will kill her before it goes that far!




How was it? A little kiss, hmm?
- cough - BIG - cough -

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