Due soon...

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 It's been days, maybe weeks, or maybe months...

 What am I supposed to do when I waddle everywhere I go and supposed to give birth to a baby in two months? Absolutely nothing! Well, if I could do something I would but I can't.

 Liam had informed me things just to make me mad, sad, or scared. For example...

 ~ The police are looking for you

~ The boys are looking for you

~ Looks like your family is about to give up on you

~ Soon it will just be you, the baby and me

~  You belong to me

~ Don't do anything I wouldn't do or you will be punished 

 Creepy right? Right now I'm sitting on a inflated bed in my room, aka the attic! Lovely. Liam is downstairs making me a lovely dinner, as he states. Getting me out of this hell hole would be much better!

" Y/N get your fat ass down here!"

 When he first called me that I was shocked, but it's a daily thing I'm used too. I waddled my way down to the first level or the house, and boy it was a struggle.

" Yes Liam?"

He slightly pushed me on the couch and pointed to something that made we go hysteric... The headline of the story on the news was.


 My eyes were glued to the television. When the red head reported said

" We have not been informed if he is alive or not, but we are able to speak to the family."

 By then I was more than hysterical if that's possible! I looked up to see Liam, but he wasn't there he was leaving...

" Where are you going?"

" Remember y/n, your only mine..."

 I took all the pieces together, and looked at him with wide eyes.

" N-no y-you wouldn't d-do that?"

 He nodded for a response. I felt my world tumbling down... He was going to kill the boys and my family if that's possible. As he locked the door, the click of the door locking snapped me out of my thoughts Wait in his room he has a home phone... And how do I know this I walked by his room to hand him his phone but he was talking to someone on another phone.

 And I did what I had to do. I looked everywhere for a bobby pin, hanger, or maybe a card. And when I thought all hope was lost I saw a plastic card laying on the counter. I did a silent cheer, and raced as fast as a pregnant woman could to Liam's room.

 And bam the door unlocked on the first try. I walked into the room suspecting to find murder weapons and drugs, but only to find things in a ordinary room. I didn't want to turn on the light since he might come home and see his light on.

 So I decided the light that pushed through the curtains was enough lighting. My eyes squinted around the room until I saw the home phone. BINGO!

 I picked the phone up and dialed the only digits that could help me, 911.

" 911, what's your emergency?"

" uhm I'm y/n l/n!"

" I been kidnapped for about eight months..."

" Do you know where you are y/n?"

" N-no, please hurry he will be back soon!"

" Okay we have located your call and the police are on there way."

 I was looking out the window and saw Liam's car coming up the drive.

" I h-have to go, he is back!"

" Miss please stay on the li-"

By then I had already hung up, and had locked Liam's door and was in my room.

" Y/n?!"

" Yes Liam?"

" Just checking if you were here."

I nodded and went back out into my room looking out the window. What seemed like hours but in reality was only 10-15 minutes, I saw dozens of red and blue lights making there way on the drive way. My eyes stared to form water, and I rushed downstairs and out the door ignoring the screams of Liam.

 I smiled as the cops formed around the house. But that smile was taken away from me when Liam put a gun to my head.

" Move, and she dies!"

 The officers noticed who he was and what gang I assume because they didn't move. I gulped as I looked around frantically looking for a way to escape.

" Liam now, this doesn't have go the hard way. Just let her go."

 The officer spoke trying to reason with him.

" NO! She is mine, and only mine."

 The officer nodded and I was pulled away as another officer tackled Liam and put him in cuffs.

" T-thank you!"

I hugged him and I let the tears flow down my rosy cheeks. He hugged back and guided me to the car and sat me down. And as we pulled away I saw Liam's glare. The one that said " I will be back..."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time skip to the police station ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 We walked past some people who were being held in the cells waiting to be released or go to jail. As I turned a corner I saw Zayn, Liam, Harry, Louis, and Niall in different cells. When I walked past them there eyes widened and Niall got mad and shot up and grabbed the cop. I didn't know what to do if I backed up I would hit Liam's cell.

" HELP!"

 And instantly more cops piled into the hallway and forced Niall off the cop. I looked around to see the boys staring at me. And two officers ushered me out of the room.

" It's over.."

" I'm back!"

 I walked into a small room to be met with my family, I ran into my brothers arms as tears spilled down my face. As we took turns hugging and whispering things that we didn't want no one to hear, a female entered the room to ask questions. And I spilled everything how I got raped, how I was beat, and how life was for those 8+ months. They even asked me questions on who the dad was. And I gave them a simple answer.

" Niall or Liam."

 " Do you know anything about a girl named Adriana...?"

 She nodded and told me they found her alive and she is back in with her family. I smiled with glee! She was alive... She was alive!

 It was time to go home, my real home. The home that I left not knowing I would never come back for more than 8+ months. As we piled into the car, I smiled as the sunset burst with bright colors. As my home came into view the happiness sprung back into me and I put my right hand on my belly swearing I would never let that happen to my child...


OMG it's over!!! WAHHHHH

Well anyways thanks for 200 reads! Also I am going to go write a part for the next book. After that part is up I have to do something for the sequel to this book and I will tell you guys its up! Also some One Direction Preferences can be found on this account later. Bai guys!

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