Saturday Anime Reviews: K-On!

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I've decided to do a new thing: post anime reviews on Saturdays. So, here's the first one!

K-On! is way up there in my list of favorite anime. Maybe it's just me and my love for kawaii slice of life shows, but this one holds a special place in my heart. It was one of the first anime I ever watched and I instantly loved it. It's just so cute and funny! Plus it's about music!!!

omg I love it so much like you don't understand my love for K-On

If you don't know what it's about, here's my short summary: cute girls doing cute things. Also playing music and wearing adorable outfits. If you're in to the really cute shows, this one will make you vomit rainbows.

Really K-On! is about a light music club which goes on to become an amazingly adorable girl band, all the while documenting their adventures. From maid outfits to fancy vacation homes, this show really has it all!

Additionally, I want to do a Mio cosplay really bad, and might actually end up doing it for this year's Comic Con. A little bit of information for you guys, I don't cosplay a character unless I really love them/the show, so when I do then you really know how much I like it.
That's all I have for now!

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