The Yorkshire Boys- Chapter 2

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Taddaaa! done. ok so this is wen a omplication comes in, this chapter is quite chill but next chapter things start happening and yeh i aint ruining it for u so u wil just have to wait for it :P

song is by We The Kings- Secret Valentine

dedicated to OH_HOT_DAMN cuz this fan liked Missing Jake and i changed it to the Yorkshire boys :P hehehe

pls pls tell me wat u think? and wat u think is goin to happen? :P




xx RR


“Come on get up! We are going to be late for school again! And it’s not going to be my fault” Mark comes into my room sternly pulling the sheets off of me.

“Hey!” my legs instantly lift up to my chest as the cold bites into my bones.

Mark looks down at me with raised eyebrows. I know that look.

I climb out of bed now shivering in the winter cold and Mark opens my wardrobe pulls out some clothes, stuffs them into my arms and shoves me into my bathroom. What a pleasant wake up call.

Walking out of the bathroom now fully dressed Mark hands me my bag and two pieces of toast.

“Oh thanks” I say, taking the toast gratefully and biting into it.

“No worries, remind me again how you survived without me?” he says trotting down the stairs next to me, as together we wave to my mum and dad then walk out the door to his shiny black car.

“Jake” I say simply, I had gotten to the point now where I could speak of him almost freely without wanting to burst into tears.

“Well he did a good job, keeping you alive for so long” Mark approves, shuffling through his keys then beeping the car and climbing in.

“Yeah well you say that now” I climb into the passenger side taking another bite of my toast and plugging my iPod into his stereo.

“Please eat your toast once you’re out of my car” Mark says raising his eyebrows at a dropped crumb on the dash board.

I dust the crumbs off of my lap and out the door then gently shut the shiny black car door shut “Fine”

“Hey I was talking to the gang the other day and they all want to change schools and join yours, would that be ok?” Mark says starting the engine and pulling out, onto the open gravel road.

“Yeah sure, it’d be fine” I scroll through my playlists on the iPod.

“Ok good because they are already there” Mark laughs and I join in shaking my head.

Finally choosing a song, I click on Friday is Forever by my all-time favourite band; We The Kings. It blasts through the stereos and I tap my hand on my leg and sing along freely.

Pulling into a free parking space, I climb out and walk to the front of the car leaning against the bonnet and examining the school building.

“You always know where the boys are huh?” Mark joins me, pointing towards a newly found swarm of squealing girls.

I push off of the car and make my way over to the gang Mark beside me with his hands in his pockets, I actually love to say this but I think he gets nervous around girls!

“Hey! Ava!” Two girls separate from the pack and come screeching towards me “Oh my god! You would never believe how freaking hot these dudes are! You’ve got to meet them! My favourite is Sam so back off bitch he’s mine” at the mention of Sam’s name I look up and my eyes are instantly met by his light crystal blue ones.

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