The Yorkshire Boys- Chapter 4

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Hey guys! so this is a very emotional chapter kinda packed with alot of drama too :) i very, nearly, almost cried at the very end!

hehehe anyway dedicated to camydd who taught me how to curse in french :P hehe she is open to give lessons ;)

song is Hero by Enrique Eglesias

love you all



fan :D




Avas P.O.V.

“Ava, could you please take this to the office?” My teacher holds out a folder for me and I get up and take it from her grasp, nodding my head and walking out the door.

I wonder why Mark is dating Melanie? I thought he would have better taste than that.

Reaching the office, I pull the heavy door open and walk in, looking around in surprise I see Melanie sitting in an office chair. Her hair is a mess and her top untucked and three buttons popped off, what the hell? She’s looking in a hand mirror trying to fix her messy appearance.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I ask walking forwards.

She gently puts the mirror down and looks up at me, then her eyes go wide and she whispers “Oh no…”

“What?” I ask coming closer.

“Uhm…” she likes a deer in headlights.

Just then Matt walks out of the principal’s office looking just as bad and his pants awkwardly zipped up with his tie loosely hung down to his chest.

“Now Matt, I know you’re a guy and hormones and girls aren’t a great match but please I don’t ever want to catch the site of you and …Melanie…doing what you were doing …ever again, got it?” The principle raises his eyebrows at a solemnly embarrassed Matt and walks back into his office.


My eyebrows furrow to gather “Matt?” I turn to look at him and his eyes go even wider than Melanie’s.

“Ava! Please don’t tell Mark!” Matt is now desperate as he rushes towards me, his arms holding my shoulders.

“I can’t believe you would do this” I look at him in shock “You!” I turn to Melanie and she whimpers slightly “He is my best friend and you go and do this within the first few hours of…!”  I can’t believe this; I turn back to Matt “How could you do this, of all people?” I repeat, gob struck.

“I, i…I don’t know! It just happened” Melanie starts sobbing and I swing around to face her again.

“YOU! He is my best friend!” I grab at her and my hand makes contact with her cheek and I scream in rage, tackling her to the floor in pure rage.

“How could you!” my voice pitches and breaks as I too start sobbing and hopelessly hitting her across the face, she makes an effort to swing at me and gets me fair across the cheek, making my flesh sting.

“He deserves all of it!” Melanie screams in rage back at me, her voice also breaking slightly at the end and we both end up sobbing and weakly throwing punches or slaps at each other as Matt and the receptionist try to pry us apart.

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