Part 10

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Dave's POV
Rec. hour finally arrives, the time where were free to talk, draw, listen to music, do whatever, I exit the "craft room" where for a hour I was forced to sculpt some non toxic play dough with a spoon ((just a note here, in my time in a mental ward they kept us busy all the time switching activities every hour or two as a way to distract us)). I lean on the far wall waiting for, wait what was his name again, did he even tell me his name? Fuck, well as I wait for him I look out over the room, cat girls talking to and braiding that male nurses hair, the weird angry bald kid I had met in crafting is drawing up a storm, a guy with a mop of hair and a over the top lisp is telling anybody who will listen about his "rad skateboard skillz", oh lord lucifer how did I end up here. Just as I'm scanning the room for the next person to judge, yeah ik I'm an asshole, I see my slumped shouldered friend strolling out of the music room with his hand on the shoulder of a man in a wheelchair guitar on his lap.
"Sup motherfucker" he smiles lifting his hand lazily to get my attention "this is my tavbro, he volunteers here in the music department." He says pointing with his thumb to the room he just came out of. "uH hey" His voice cracks a little seemingly out of nervousness. "Hey, Dave." I say extending my hand, I almost immediately retract it the moment I remember I'm not allowed to wear long sleeves here to cover the scars. "It's fine man, I've seen it all" he calmly extends his hand, grabs mine and gently shakes it.

Johns POV
After what seemed like hours of non stop cleaning I lay our the couch, its faint smell of Dave leaves an empty feeling inside of me. When My body jerks forward I realize Ive been sobbing. I wipe the condensation off the glasses setting them on the coffee table before lying down on Dave's bed clutching his pillow to my body as if it were him. Just as I feel myself drifting into sleep my cell phone rings '🎶dodoododoododo gHOSTBUSTERS nanaanananana, dodood-🎶' "hello John Egbert speaking" I wait patiently for the person on the other end to reply to my quite dreary greeting. " hey Hun how are you doing" I immediately recognize the voice as kanayas ,"oh hey kanaya, wait, how the hell did you get this number" I ask. "Well I figured you're listed as Dave's emergency contact, and wow look at that I was right... Well I just wanted to check on you. Are you doing okay?" I wait a moment pondering if I should tell her how I feel straight up or just lie and let her feel good, well I've been honest so far "actually I don't think I can handle being here right now, can I come and spend the night at yours?" With each word I slow my sentence down realizing how stupid and creepy I sound 'wow we only met yesterday and I expect her to let me spend the night God how stupid can I be, I need to say something now, shit she's never going to talk to m- "sure, I live down by the bakery let's meet there, we can grab a bite to eat and then walk to my apartment" she chirps "um wow okay, I can be down there in 15 minutes?" I say in a tone such as 'would that work for you' "okay sweet see you soon Hun" and with that she hangs up the phone.

((GAM TAV =LIFE IM SORRY, okay wow I hope it's doing okay, but guys I almost forgot about this story until I went to the Malmö pride parade -check out pictures on my tumblr kebathefox also you should totes follow me 💜- and I felt an extreme need to write gay fan fictions sooo there's that))

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