Part 9

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After showing me around the place, which really wasn't much, I guess the timing was perfect for the schedule and he left me stranded in the cafeteria during lunch rush 'hoping I would make friends' Ha what A joke. Cat girl comes running up to me offering me a seat with her and her friends, I can barely handle Her I don't dare meet her friends. Instead I opt for the only other empty seat, right across from a tall slouched man, I'm guessing in his early twenties with a nasty scar running the length of his face. Almost every table is full but the one he's sitting at, what did he do, I probably fucked up and am going to be shanked for sitting here. Instead of flying across the table and ripping my jugular vein he looks up confused at first but with a lazy smile asks "hey mothafucker, what are you in here for?" At a lose for words I showed him my arms "aww man what a shame" is all he has to say. "What about you?" I ask hesitantly. "Well that quite a long story brother" his says with a thick New Orleans accent. "I have time" I respond with a shrug of my shoulders. "Well if a mothafucker really wants to know, I hear and see some crazy things in my mind, some things that like to make me do evil. Usually I can block them out but it's happened once or twice where they get to me, I snap. That's how I got these" he makes a clawing motion across his face imitating the scars. "Oh" really that's all I have to say 'oh' this guy just told me some deep shit and aLL I CAN SAY IS 'oh.' "You wanna hang out with my other bro and I during rec. hour later" he says calming me. I figure I'm going to need help to make it through this, I'm going to need to make friends, and I find something charming with this guy so I better not fuck this friendship up "sure" I say as chill as I can
Johns POV
I flip open the tattered note, closing my eyes I take a deep breath before finally reading it.

Dear john,
I'm so sorry but I just don't think I can do it any more.
All I want is for you to know none of this is your fault, you're the reason I stayed as long as I did, even the thought of you brightened my day. I just don't want to burden you or anyone else with my presence any longer. I've allowed this facade of normality to go on to long, and today I put my foot down. I know this letter is probably a huge let down, you were probably expecting a poem or something sweet but I just want you to know I love you
Forever and always

Even with its dark sad contents he still manages to make me laugh, little doodles of us as if it were a love note. I let a small chuckle out through the tears. We will make it through this, I know it. I gently fold the note and put it back in my pocket before driving home.
Once I get to our apartment I shakily unlock the door. the click the lock makes, makes my heart skip sending a reminder of what had happened last time I turned it. When I open the door, our apartment is splotched with Dave's blood trailing to the door. Careful not to step and smear any of it I make my way to the kitchen, putting on some gloves and grabbing a rag I prepare myself for the horror movie like set that is the bathroom.

((Okay ik I'm really dumb but I really wanted to include my headcanon human stuck gamzee because it's my favorite, but guys seriously some input would be great, tell me what you like, what you don't. I hope you're enjoying it so far tho))

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