Johns POV
When I get to the bakery Kanaya is already there, she has already picked me up a chai tea, the same drink I bought that night at the cafe. She flashes that familiar concerned smile at me, I say nothing to her in fear of crying. I just take a seat and take the sip of my drink, and smile back at her. "A friend of mine works in wing 6, he said hes doing very well for a new patient. Apparently Dave has already made a friend in his ward." I want her to stop talking, I really don't want to talk about him right now. I think she sees the expression on my face because she grabs my hand "hey, do you want to go on a walk by the river?" I nod at her, still not wanting to talk. I grabbed my chai and walked out, the icy cool breeze whips orange leaves all around me the minute we step outside. We stroll along the board walk parallel to the river that divides our city in two. Its churning waters mimic the feeling seemingly stuck in my stomach, "The rivers eerily beautiful tonight, isnt it." She looks me right in the eyes, I divert mine from her vivid green ones and look to my feet. "yeah, the surface seems more chaotic than usual" I respond monotonously. I cup my hands around my tea to warm my hands up. "here we are" she exclaims, Im confused for a moment before she continues "here's my apartment" she keys the password in to get into the tall building. We walk up 5 or 6 flights of stairs, her door is the first on the left, as she fumbles to unlock her door I look down the almost horror movie like hallway, complete with flickering lights and all. Kanaya nudges me and we walk into her apartment, the complete opposite of the shoddy atmosphere we just left, the cascading and flowing fabrics she had hanging all over were beautiful. She leads me to her red silk bed "you can sleep here, ill stay over here on the couch" she gestures to the antique sofa peaking out from the other side of an intricate room divider. "A-Are you sure?" I ask unintentionally meekly. she just smiles, nods, grabs a large strip of peach coloured fabric and goes to curl up on the sofa. I lay down, sinking into her soft bed and quickly disappear into my dreams
Daves POV
Once Rec Hour is finished the three of us go to the cafeteria, after grabbing a generous heap of mashed potatoes and gravy I follow Gamzee to the one empty table where we met. I tune out their conversation for the most part, until I hear Tavros mention Gamzees older brother, "I think I can convince your doctor that Kurloz is not a bad influence and to allow him to visit." It looked like Gamzee was about to respond but I instantly interrupt him, "Hey dude, do you think you can convince them to let my boy... uh friend come, I really miss him and I think he will help me to get better" i say trying to gave my best case as to why he should help me. he takes a minute to process what I said but then with a light slug on the arm says "well Ill try, Ill need his number but I will sure try" he looks to me with a child like smile. With our new found hope we finish our meals with stupid jokes and an incredibly shitty attempt at a rap battle. Once 20:00 hits Tav is showing us to our rooms, making everyone laugh as with every corner he speeds up yelling "Drift Nation!" bringing a hint of joy to the cold white hallways. All to quickly we arrive at my room, Gamzee wraps both of his arms around me, "good night brother." he says with a dopey smile. Tavros touches my forearm "G-Goodnight Da-Dave, sleep well" he stutters with a smile "night" I simply respond throwing up a casual 'see ya' peace sign before turning into my room. I walk in and see the male nurse tucking cat girl in, "goodnight Nep, if you need anything just call" he says then kisses her forehead. he turns and nods at me and I reciprocate. With out a word he switches our lights off, I lay down on the hard cotton sheets and try to sleep. I doze off every once in a while only to be woken by the mere thought of John. I follow this trend Until I see the faint pink of a morning sky and I hear to chirps of the happy and free birds outside.
((I AM SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG, I literally have 0 excuses))

Johndave- depression
ФанфикThis is going to be a sadstuck based around john Egbert and dave strider who are living together ((not fucking, yet)) in as shitty apartment and are about 19 years of age TrIgGeR WaRnInGs