You Failed, Ranger

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Gilan heard the huge BANG, saw Halt running towards Will. Then a huge cloud of smoke suddenly billowed from the front of the courtyard and immediately enveloped Halt and Will. Gilan started running towards the cloud, but saw movement on one of the outer edges and stopped. It had definitely been a green gray cloak, and they had been moving fast. But then his heart flew up into his throat as he realized that there was also a smudge of purple running along the far end of the smoke cloud. Should I shoot? What if I hit them? Gilan slung his bow off his shoulder and grabbed an arrow from his quiver. Halt would say to shoot. Gilan aimed and released in a single smooth motion. He watched the arrow fly away into the cloud where he assumed the Genovesan was. He never saw the arrow land, and he didn't hear any grunts or yells. He stood there, peering into the thick smoke for almost a minute, trying to see something, anything. Long moments passed, the silence from the masses behind him deafening and afraid, all except for his own labored breathing. Then Halt and Will suddenly came running out of the cloud hunched over, clinging to each other, and coughing violently. Both men were stumbling slowly along as they coughed, and Gilan slung up his bow and started running towards them. He reached the outer edge of the smoke and grabbed Halt, seizing his arm firmly, coughing a little as he got a strong whiff of the smoke. Then he started pulling them farther away as quickly as he could. Halt kept his grip on Will, who was hunched over, still coughing violently, and clutching his ribs. Both men were having difficulty running, and Gilan had to drag them forcefully along behind him. They all three ran in a line, headed straight for the camp. As they ran, both Will and Halt coughed less and less violently, with more and more time between each cough as their lungs forced the smoke out.

They reached the front of the camp. Gilan looked up and saw that Rodney and the Baron had done their job. The soldiers who had been panicking before were now lined up perfectly in formations of infantry, cavalry, and archers. They all stood still and unmoving with fierce looks on their faces, ready to take back their castle. Some of them also looked up in shock as the haze of white gray clouds ghosted over them, carried by a cool wind off towards the north. Gilan pulled Halt and Will the rest of the way up to where Rodney, the Baron, Pauline, and Alyss were waiting. Alyss, who had seen them coming, had grabbed some water skins and was holding them out to Halt and Will as they came running up. Halt immediately reached for one of the skins, nodding his thanks to Alyss and drinking. But Will stayed hunched over, clutching his ribs, his breaths ragged and raw. Alyss walked over and pushed the second water skin into his free hand and helped him bring it to his lips. He stood up slowly, and allowed her to help him take a few sips. Immediately his breathing became slower and more regular, less ragged and more smooth. He took the skin from her and started chugging the water. Halt finally lowered his own skin and took a few deep breathes. "I'm - I'm alright," he said haltingly. His voice was raw, but his breathing was better. Will, who had finished the water skin, handed it back to Alyss, coughed a few times, and said, "Me too."

Gilan coughed a little as well, and Alyss handed him the remains of Halt's water, and he drank deeply. "Ugh... That smoke was awful, and I only got one lungful. What happened back there?" He turned to Halt and Will, and started shrugging off his cloak so that he could give Halt back his bow and quiver.

But Halt turned to Will, and spoke urgently. "Will, remember when we were in Araluen, raiding that Outsider's cave? You know how Malcolm made those mud balls that exploded in smoke or light with a loud sound when you threw them on the ground?"

Will nodded, puzzled. "Yes, but those only made a small cloud or a short bright flash. Not something of this size."

"Well, the Genovesan, Mario, he had one of those, but it was huge. It was at least five times the size of the ones Malcolm used to make. The Genovesan never saw me, but he knew that we would come, and he said that he had a present for you."

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