Its an Order!

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"What exactly are you asking me?" Katniss asks, her eyebrows pushed together into a frown as she watches with suspicion, nervously awaiting what evil words will slip from his mouth.

President Snow sits up straighter in his chair, fixing a photo frame in place on his desk that was not even out of place to begin with.
"I will be straight forward with you." President Snow says as his eyes meet with Katniss's grey ones.
"I want you and Peeta to..." He clears his throat "do the necessary in order for you to become pregnant." He says, his hands casually folding together in front of him.

Katniss stares at him with a look of anger. Having children is not something that she wants in her life; not because she doesn't like children, but because she's always had a fear of losing any child she would have to The Games. He's getting deeper and deeper into her worst nightmares. First Prim getting chosen, then being made to pretend to fall in love when that is something she finds hard; to love someone without fearing loss, and now this. It's like his snake eyes can see right into her, like she's an open book, and she hates that.

He's punishing me, Katniss thinks to herself. He's punishing me for what I did with those berries. He will use the child to control us, to taunt us.

Katniss shakes her head no fast, determined to fight off this new nightmare, to create a barrier around herself so Snow can't hurt her.
"No, no way. I won't." She says quickly. President Snow leans forward in his chair, looking Katniss dead in the eyes. Katniss instantly tenses, feeling intimidated by the look that he gives her. She now has to breathe through her mouth, the scent of blood and roses overwhelming her. It nauseates her.

"Ms Everdeen I don't think that you are fully understanding me. I am not asking you to, I am ordering you." He says in a low and demanding voice but yet calm and simple.

She looks down at her flat stomach imagining a child growing in there who she can't protect. She blinks back tears that threaten to be seen.
"No, not this. Anything but this." She says to Snow in a voice she had meant to sound strong and determined.

"Ms Everdeen if you continue with your defiance, there will be consequences. You want to keep your sister safe don't you?" Katniss looks at Snow, her eyes filling with anger, and her fists clenching under the table.
He is threatening Prim.
"Surely that is why you volunteered for her?" President Snow continues, his eyes not leaving hers, feeling satisfied with her reaction.

She swallows back her emotions, and nods slightly. Of course, Snow sees this. Every ounce of anger he gets from her he will take out on her.

"Okay, I'll do it." She says in a defeated voice, feeling as though she has absolutely no control anymore. She looks at her hands.

President snow nods.
"You may leave now." President snow says. "I expect to see you in no longer than six weeks with confirmation that you have done as instructed." He says like this is simply a business deal. She stands up and walks out of his office, her palms sweaty.

As soon as she's closed the door she starts running fast and far from his mansion, far within the Capitol to places she's never been before. Tears fill her eyes and spill over into her cheeks as she keeps on running until her legs won't run anymore and she finds herself curled in a ball in what looks like some kind of Capitol graveyard. Her thoughts fly around in her mind that she can't seem to gather together and make sense of them. She only knows one thing:
She has to do this, or someone will get hurt.

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