Old Cuteness

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Summary: When Jack, Luke's brother, is getting married, he obviously brings Ashton. It's all cute, really.
Note: I think I remember dying from cuteness when I read/wrote this. Like, honestly. It was over a year ago, so I don't know how I would remember that, but obviously it was pretty darn cute then
Luke stood in front of the bathroom mirror, concentrated on how he was going to wear his tie. He never tied a tie on his own; his mom did it for his graduation. Okay, maybe he was a momma's boy. Luke sighed as he noticed his buttons were uneven too.

"Ashton!" Luke shouted, fixing his buttons at the same time. "I need your help." Luke said, almost desperately. Ashton walked in the bathroom, before stopping, and staring at his boyfriend, fondly.

"I need your help, Irwin." Luke mumbled, waving a hand in front of his boyfriend's shocked face.

"Oh right, sorry." Ashton flushed, "What did you need?" Ashton asked, looking at his feet more.

"I need help tying this stupid tie." Luke grumbled, fumbling with his untied tie. Ashton gulped quietly.

"Oh, sure, I can tie it for you..." Ashton said quietly, as he began fixing Luke's tie. Ashton tried so hard not to kiss Luke, like his life depended on it, but he couldn't help it - Luke looked great in a suit.

"What are you-whoa," Luke mumbled as Ashton stopped tying his tie, and kissed him, almost hungrily. "If I knew you'd get horny because I was in a suit, I'd use one every night." Luke joked, when he pull away, leaving a pouting Ashton.

"I'd die," Ashton said simply, before kissing Luke again.

"Whoa, stop." Luke said, pulling away after twenty seconds, "As much as I'd love to continue, I've got to get ready for my brother's wedding." Luke mumbled.

"Right, um, I'll tie that for you...again." Ashton blushed, continuing to fix the tie, that he accidentally untied. "I'm sorry...you just...you look so good...and wow." Ashton mumbled, his cheeks heating, indicating he was blushing still.

"It's fine." Luke mumbled, his head staying still as Ashton fixed his tie. "I just didn't think I was that hot." Luke teased, enjoying the flustered face his boyfriend had right now. "I think you're cute though." Luke teased more.

"I'm not cute." Ashton grumbled. "I'm manly, cute does not describe a man." Ashton grumbled, finishing tying Luke's tie.

"Have you heard your giggle?" Luke scoffed, laughing lightly. "You have such a girly giggle."

"Shut up!" Ashton said, whacking Luke's chest. "You're so mean." Ashton pouted.

"Sure," Luke shrugged, "but I love it about you."

Two hours later, the two were in the ceremonial hall, at the reception. Luke grinned as he heard Ashton introduced himself to more of Luke's cousins and old family friends.

"Hi, I'm Ashton." Luke heard Ashton's cheerful voice, as Ashton held Luke's hand. Luke grinned as he saw an old classmate of Jack's, who occasionally used to look after Luke, if Jack couldn't be there for him.

After at least twenty different people, Ashton was tired from all the walking and talking, and decided it was time for them to sit down.

"Look at the lovely couple." Liz joked, noticing Luke and Ashton were joining them again. "You look lovely son." Liz complimented. "Oh, and you look nice too, Luke." Liz teased.

"Mom, you're so mean." Luke laughed deeply, as he admired Ashton's outfit.

Like his mom said, Ashton looked handsome, very handsome. Luke was almost scared to believe that this was the same Ashton he was dating. His Ashton usually wore ripped band shirts and tight jeans, plus a bandana usually. This Ashton was using a black suit, maybe a navy colour - he wasn't paying attention to its colour. He was wearing a fedora - which he was getting into using again. His hair was surprisingly gelled under his fedora. This Ashton was using nice dress shoes, that weren't like his old sneakers.

"You do look nice," Luke complimented, without noticing he said it out loud, until Ashton blushed red. "Um, I was thinking that... I didn't mean to say it aloud..." Luke mumbled, blushing himself.

"It's fine, you look nice too." Ashton mumbled. Ashton could feel his ears heat up, as he was more embarrassed from what happened last time he "complimented" Luke.

"Why don't you two just get married now?" Liz teased, scaring the couple back into reality. "Seriously Luke, I want to see a marriage proposal sometime in the future."

"Don't worry mom, there will be." Luke winked at Ashton, who flushed more.

An hour later, a few drinks later, and the couple were slow dancing. Luke was giggling as he felt tipsy. Ashton was giggling as he felt Luke kissing his neck.

"You know, your family's here." Ashton whispered, silently enjoying the night. "I don't think it'd be nice to do this here." Ashton giggled more.

"But you look so...hot." Luke whispered, placing his head softly in Ashton's neck, as they swayed to the slow song.

"Stop it Lukey!" Ashton giggled, as his tickled Luke softly. Luke squirmed, not wanting to leave the embrace, but also wanting to not be tickled.

"Stop it, I'm-stop Ash, I'm ticklish." Luke said, as Ashton tickled him some more.

"I know you are," Ashton said cockily, "and I know everywhere you're ticklish."

"Shut up." Luke blushed, as Ashton stopped tickling him. Luke smiled as Ashton, tiredly, laid his head on Luke's chest, his curls tickling Luke's chin softly. "You're comfortable." Luke admitted, out loud, as he embraced Ashton, almost tightly.

"Hey," Ashton mumbled, "you know what." Luke looked down, as Ashton looked up, "I think, we'd have a nice wedding." Ashton mumbled tiredly, as he closed his eyes, and rested his head on Luke's chest again, humming softly.

"I think so too."

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