New Interruptions

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Summary: After a few months of being friends, Ashton bluntly says Luke's hot. It's all good.
Note: This is the part of story when everything starts feeling good, so enjoy
As the months passed, Luke felt like the world was moving too slowly, that life was not fast enough when love was one-sided. That was until, his world moved too fast, and he did not understand what was going on.

On a normal day, Luke would be at home, getting ready for work, and while he was on break, he would receive a good afternoon text from Ashton (although, it said good morning, but Ashton liked sleeping in). It did not feel like a normal day, because instead of texting Luke during his break, Ashton physically showed up to Luke's work (which was a part-time job at an electronics shop).

"Hey Lukey," even though Ashton did not remember that was once his nickname for Luke, in an endearing way; Luke's heart still fluttered like it had before the amnesia. "I want to buy new drumsticks, you have them here, right?" Ashton was all smiles, and it made Luke want to hug the shit out of him, and maybe pinch his cheeks - because wow, he was adorable.

"Uh," Luke stammered for a few seconds, trying to remember the reason why he unofficially banned Ashton from ever visiting him at work. It was normal, Luke would ban Ashton, because well, he just couldn't think properly around his boyfriend. "I think we do," Luke's response was slow and hesitant, because he definitely forgot if they even had music supplies.

"I can ask someone else..." Ashton said slowly. Luke only shook his head quickly, and ran - stumbled - towards where he vaguely remembers a nice pair of drumsticks being.

"Here," Luke returns to where Ashton was standing, holding a pair of drumsticks, which Luke remembered Ashton said were a nice colour.

"Oh, look, it's a pretty blue, almost like your eyes," Ashton said, almost subconsciously adding the compliment towards Luke. Luke blushed, nonetheless, trying to ignore the fact it was probably just friendly Ashton.

"Hey, so after work," Ashton said, as he was paying for his drumsticks, "I was thinking, we could maybe get some pizza." Ashton suggested, handing Luke the money for the drumsticks. "Mikey said he couldn't hang tonight, and Calum said he was getting extra sleep, because he's visiting Mali in England tomorrow, so..." Ashton trailed off, grabbing his change softly.

"Uh," Luke mumbled, looking at the time, "Yeah, sure, we can do that. I get off at... I think it's six tonight," Luke said.

"I'll stop by and pick you up?" Ashton asked, slowly trotting towards the store entrance. Luke nodded, waving as Ashton left.

Luke sighed, happily, as he thought that it was sometimes nice that Ashton would drive him. It gave him a reason to re-bond with him.

For the rest of his shift, he was happier - than normal - and occasionally scared the customers with how happy he was.

"Hey Luke," one of Luke's co-workers said, "That curly kid's back," there was a teasing tone, and Luke rolled his eyes, as he slowly waited for the clock to say 6, but it was only 5:47 right now.

"Lukey!" Ashton shouted, and if Luke scared customers earlier, his friend - aka, ex-boyfriend - was possibly scaring them more with how loud, and happy he was. "I came a little earlier, because I thought there would be a lot of traffic, but there wasn't, and I ended up here now." Ashton said, ignoring the part of his brain that told him he just want to see Luke a little more longer tonight.

"Hey, I don't get off for like ten minutes, but you can just wait, right?" Luke questioned. He knew Ashton could wait, he just hoped it would be a little quieter, so they do not lose any more grumpy customers who hated happy people.

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