Chapter 4 - Lonely AF

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When lunch started Sammi ran off towards Sean, while I went and got my lunch and Headed to our usual seats outside. There was barely anyone outside because it was pretty hot but this was the only table with an umbrella.

I got a turkey sandwich for lunch. That's really not important but I guess I'm trying to distract myself from... You know who. I find it best not to say his name. So if I say "he who shall not be named" know I'm not talking about lord volly and I'm talking about you know who. His name is cute just together. If I say or think of his name I'll think of a cute name which makes me think of cute guys and boom back to square 1. And everyone Knows we don't want that. I wonder why he came back from "boarding school" his mom said he was, quote, being good. I highly doubt Tris-

"Hey kitten."

Ugh I knew if I said his name something bad would happen!

Maybe I didn't hear him and I'm just imagining things. Well I'll just go back to eating and find out...

"Why are you siting alone?"

I waited till he came around the table and sat in front of me to actually believe that he was there.

"I'm just waiting for Sean, and Sammi to finish what they started and then come meet me."

He rolled his eyes and leaned back against the outer school wall.

"Oh yeah Sean. I forgot about the man whore who took my sisters V-card."

The way he said, it made me shiver. To him virginty is just a game and every girl has a card, where as the boys try to collect as many cards as they can before the other players can. I don't even know how he knew about that. They didn't start dating until about a year after he left. And even then they waited about 4 months before they actually did "it"

"He's not that bad."

He didn't seem to be looking at me like Sean was even remotely what he wanted his sister to be with.

"Why are you here any way?"

He shrugged before answering,

"Can't a guy come and take care of his kitten every now and again?"

I rolled my eyes before standing up and grabbing my tray ready to leave.

As I started walking inside I noticed a figure following me. Of course he won't leave me alone until he gets what he wants, and with his mind? Yeah he's not getting my card. He's how to play "the game" at the beginning of the game, people throw the cards in the air and the players get as many as they can, but mine? I grabbed it ran, locked it up, and threw away the key.

I'm not saying I never wanna have sex. I'm just saying that I want to... Like most girls... Want to wait until the right guy and right moment comes along. Tristan is defiantly not that guy.

I spun around, without missing a beat Tristan ran right into me, making my food full tray spread all over my chest.


I screeched.

Dropping the tray, I ran into the girls bathroom, and as did Tristan...

I headed strait to the stall and grabbed some tissues, cleaning my chest. My mac and cheese was all over my chest.

Tristan cleared his throat,

"TRISTAN! Why are you in here?!"

He seemed pretty cool about it, like it wasn't his first time in here... That's fucking creepy.

"I don't know."

He replied before nonchalantly leaning against the wall of the bathroom.



His eyes widened like something unexpected happened.

Yeah that's right! You finally realized that what you did was wrong! Now can you please apologize?

Hah. Nope.

"Kitten's got herself a tongue. Where'd that come from?"

I was happy he was actually listening but upset that he didn't step off, nor apologize.

"Oh my god."

I rubbed my temples before pacing.

My phone is back in my locker and this outfit is defiantly ruined. Not just a bit. But a lot. I need clothes but I doubt Tristan would ever help me.

"Why are you pacing?"

Tristan finally spoke up.

"Because some idiot spilled food and water all over my white, now clear, shirt!"

He had a baby smirk on his face and it almost made me smile but I couldn't give in.

"Could you please be a nice person once in your life and go get me a shirt out of my locker?"

He stood there smirking at me. I didn't know why he was smirking besides the fact my shirt was clear.

I rolled my eyes and spun on my heels to pace again.

But the next thing I knew there was something thrown over my head.

"What the-"

When I turned around I saw a very shirtless Tristan. And by very I mean, like abs, the v everything was being show cased. Like how does that even look that great?!

I quickly realized I was holding his shirt in my hands now.

"Why'd you take off your shirt?!"

He nodded,

"You need a shirt and I had one."

"But not the one your wearing!"

He shrugged

"This was the fastest way. Any other way could have resulting in anyone walking in here and you being humiliated."

I blushed at the thought of him actually caring if someone humiliated me.

Pfft. Like he would actually ever care.

"I'm not wearing your shirt."

I protested. He seemed pretty determined.

"Well you have to unless you wanna be in here forever."

I didn't under stand until he disappeared running around the corner. Now if I want him to take it back I have to put it on.

Fine just a few minutes. Just enough time to get my clothes out of my locker. I unbuttoned my blouse and slipped on his black Nirvana t-shirt. I can't believe I'm doing this...

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