BFB: Prologue

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BFB: prologue

"so my house after school?"

My best friend Sammi asked.

"uh, yeah sounds good."

She paused and pulled me to the side as we were walking to lunch,

"oh my god, I can not believe that your gonna be living with us for the whole summer!"

She grabbed my arms and started squealing quietly.

She reached out and wrapped her pinky around mine as we walked out toward the court yard.

"I know right. And we have to do everything! The beach, the mall, camping! Everything."


She murmured in disgust.

"I know you hate camping but it could be fun! Just give it a chance!"

Her expression softened as her boyfriend, star quarter back, and lead in the musical, rounded the corner.


She exclaimed. Wow I didn't think she would actually-

"as long as Sean and Isaac can come with us!"

And so my hope died. Sean was okay, and I could deal with his and Sammi's PDA but, they've ALWAYS tried to set me up with Sean's best friend Isaac. Isaac is the worlds biggest man whore. In 5th grade he kissed with tongue, in 7th grade he lost his virginity, and in 8th grade (till now, junior year) his mission was to take every girls virginity in school. There are only about 10 more in my school left, myself included. But since the beginning of this year Sean and Sammi have been trying to get me and Isaac to date. But I've given him several chances... Each time all he wanted was sex. And that's not all I want. I want more, I want love! And that's something Isaac could never give me. So im done with him. No more second chances.

"fine. Just so I can go camping with you. But you have to swear to give me my own tent and not sharing one with Isaac!"

She squealed and ran up to Sean squealing.

Isaac of course trailed behind. He saw me and smirked.

"hey Lily"

He said while leaning on a locker I was standing by just a minute ago, with Sammi.

"hello, Isaac"

I said with a deep sighed.

"so Sammi told us that we would be sharing a tent when we go camping."

I quirk my brow and snap my head towards Sammi snoggiing her boyfriends face off.

"nope. Im getting my own, even if I have to buy my own tent."

He smirked and shook his head while leaning off of the lockers.

"nah, you know you want me to be in that tent with you."

I shook my head before stepping away from him,

"see that's where your wrong. I would rather shower with a bear then share a tent with you. Your a man whore and a slut. I don't find you attractive so stop trying to get into my pants."

He looked taken aback by my sudden lecture. His face slowly formed into a gross crinkled face...

His mouth opened and closed a few times but he knows he was defeated. That's what's up. Loser!


We whipped our heads towards Melissa. Melissa is Isaac's on again off again girlfriend. She's always been jealous of me and since the beginning of this year, when he started going after me she hated me. Like not just cold stares and rumors, its been physical assault. Like a month ago Isaac tried to kiss me at school once, she followed me into the bathroom slapped me and told me too quote 'stay away from her man?' she left before I could comment back.

She never really noticed me before Isaac. No one did. I mean me and Sammi have always been friends but then puberty hit and she got the boobs and butt, while I got... Well neither. I always followed her around. Im her duff. But I don't care. Then she got Sean as her boyfriend, and I was forgotten for a week until everything slowly fit into place and Sean liked me as a friend and we all hung out from then on.

He's like the older brother I never had.

Melissa grabbed Isaac's face and smacked her face to his. His eyes were wide open with shock like he would never expect this.

After a dramatic whole minute she detached her lips and shot her gaze to me.

"oh! LILY! I didn't see you there!"

Course you didn't... Bitch...

"you know Melissa? I really don't care."

I closed my locker and walked past the both towards the schools "it couple".

"hey Lil."

I shook my head at him. He knows I hate when he calls me Lil. But I've gotten used to it, giving him just small glares from time to time is better then getting mad over a small thing.

"hi Se Se!"

I replied in the same tone.

His glare pierced right threw me causing me to freak.

"im sorry okay? I take it back!"

The song pretty girls by Britney spears blasted from Sammi's phone.
She scrambled to answer but as she did the conversation went like this,

"hey mom, yeah, uh, I don't know there's only like twenty minutes of lunch left. Uh, okay ill try. Bye."

She pressed hang up and looked to me.

"so basically my mom said she has 'important' news. So I gotta go."

I shook my head vastly before grabbing her arm

"I don't care if Im late for class take me with you."

She nodded and took me with her towards her bug car.

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