Chapter 12 - TRUTH AF

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I updated! Congraaaaattts, sorry for the wait... I am horrible at updating.


"ISAAC! Stop moving, and just sit and buckle!"

Sean yelled as he started to pull the van back onto the dirt road that reaches the highway.

Sammi and Tristan haven't spoken to me since yesterday. When that whole... Situation went down. But we're best friends! We have to make up, Right?


Isaac yelled back as he continued to flip over the seats.

Without another second the car was in park and Sean flung himself into the back row grabbing Isaac's shoulders and pushing him into a seat.

"BUCKLE. Or I swear I'll cut off your balls."

I couldn't help but laugh a little. It just slipped. Huge mistake, Sean's head snapped in my direction.

"Don't you laugh lily."

He hissed still holding onto Isaac's shoulders.

"It's because of you we're all in this situation any way!"

I quickly shut my mouth and putt my hands in my lap. Continuing to look at my feet... He's not wrong.

*the day before*

Sammi stormed off leaving me and Sean agape staring at each other... That's never happened before.. Sammi is such a happy person. What did I just do?! Even thinking of having feelings for Tristan was a HUGE mistake. I'm such a fuck up... Tears started to form I'm my eyes. Sean came and gave me a hug as I sobbed a bit in his shirt... I barely did anything, but i also did everything...

After mentally face palming I shoved past Sean feeling the tears start to come to the corners of my eyes.

A few minutes of crying later I thought I should actually try to go find Sammi and hope it isn't to late to explain everything.

Searching and searching I couldn't find her any where near the camp site. Looking around once more, I saw Sean sitting on the bumper of the van rubbing his head.

"Are-are you okay?"

My voice still a little hoarse from crying. I slowly crossed my fingers hoping he understood me so I wouldn't have to repeat myself.

"Yeah... I don't know. I have a migraine I think. I tried to stop Sammi from leaving with her mom and... She hit me in the head with her purse. Not quite sure what I did. Can you get me aspirin from the van?"

I gave him a nod and the best smile I could muster at the time.

I can't believe Sammi left? And with her mom? Her mom is gonna kill me and tell me it was all my fault. Even though it was only half... No! I'm not saying that, it is my fault. I'm a stupid teenage dirtbag.

I got to the van opening the glove compartment rummaging threw the first aid kit and other stuff such as maps and books. Eventually finding the aspirin bottle and going back to Sean

"Thank you."

He said as I handed him the bottle. He took the last two, in the small container and then slowly brought a water bottle to his lips and began to wash them down.

After a few minutes of us sitting there he starts rubbing his head again.

"Are you sure that was aspirin? Cause my head is hurting MORE, not less."

He groaned.

"Yes. Look at the bottle."

I answered with a short mumble.

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