Chapter 10 - Sexy AF

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I stood there naked, held against his body. What do I do? How do I seduce someone? I've never done this before. I've read books! I've seen movies! How come this seems so hard? His breath was ticking my lips as he leaned down. But before he pressed his lips to mine he stopped right next to them almost waiting for something.

I've got it! He's doing that thing like from Hitch! He goes 90% and I go the last 10% either that or he's being a tease so...

I leaned up and kissed him harder then he expected. His arms responded instantly and rapped them selves around my legs lifting me up, my legs rapped around his upper waist. Our lips tangled as I took full control taking my tongue and swiping it across his bottom lip.

He seemed taken aback by my forwardness as normally the male take the lead. He opens his mouth and let's my tongue enter, as I search his mouth my hands snake up behind him and into his amazing hair. Tugging on his hair I hear him let out a throaty groan. He goes to move his hands to my boobs, but before he can touch I take my other hand to his head and dunk him under the water.

Quickly swimming away, I know what he's gonna do. So I run to the shore and grab my towel rapping it around me. Running as fast as I can with my stuff in hand back to the camp site, when I'm almost there I feel two large hands rap around my waist pulling me back into the woods near the campsite. I let out a small shriek before a hand goes over my mouth.

I'm pushed against a tree now seeing that a very naked and un happy Tristan has pushed his body against me and a tree.

Thank the Lord that there was a towel rapped around me cause his proud erection was right against the towel.

"That was very naughty of you, Lily."

He scolded like I was some child who got caught with there hand in a cookie jar.

I was about to speak when I remembered his hand over my mouth.

I mumbled something under his hand. He gave me a warning look before taking his hand back. But he didn't back up he kept right where he was putting both hands on either side of my head, resting on the tree.

"Where are your clothes?"

I asked shyly. I'm never shy! Why'd it come out that way?

"You left in such a hurry I didn't get to say goodbye."

He said with a huge smirk plastered on his face.

He's acting weird... Probably his boner thinking not his head.

"What do you want Tristan?"

I asked as if he was annoying me right now... But really he just one big fucking turn on.


He stated clearly.

"To bad."

I said regaining my courage as I pushed him off of me. He seemed shellshocked.

I sauntered off with an extra sway in my hips just to make him wild... Oh wait I think he already is.

I smirked at the thought of me turning him on so much. We barely knew each other and little does he know he was my first kiss. And he'll never find out or his ego will get bigger and it's already at full.

No clue how he's gonna get back to the beach without anyone seeing him or his hard to hide boner. The beach front is practically already full. Around noon it's always full.

Skipping back to my tent I wasn't even bothered with the fact I was only wearing a towel.

I got into the tent and slipped on a black cropped tank top and some jean shorts. I quickly tied on my red converse and stood to head out of the tent. Before I could leave the tent, the door unzipped and In same Sammi.

She slipped in and took a step in.

"Your tent in huge compared to mine and Sean's!"

I rolled my eyes.

"You ask for the small tent. And there basically on reason why."

I stated winking. I slipped my hands into my back pockets and sighed. We stood there looking around in a comfortable silence.

"Oh! I remember why I'm here now! Well I wanted to know how the beach with Isaac went! I heard it was a date!"

Her eyes widened in shock as I bent forward laughing.

"It was no where near a date!"

I barked out in between laughter. After I sobered up a bit she gave me a huge concerned/confused look.

"Plus... He didn't even show up so..."

After I said that I'd felt awkward... Squirmy almost. I've never been stood up before.... Then again I've only ever been on what? 5 dates? Not all guys are into the whole stick no boobs no butt look. I haven't been stood up but I've been left with ye old "I forgot to feed my pet" or the "my grandmother fell" oh and my favorite "I think I have the wrong table" Sammi got all the guys while I got... Smarts? I don't want to say smarts cause Sammi is quite clever... I don't really know what I got?

"What? Why didn't he show up?"

She asked after what seemed like an eternity.

I raised my head at her and shrugged a shoulder

"I don't know.. Better offer? Always is..."

She came up to me slapped me on the cheek. It wasn't painful but it sure as hell wasn't playful.

"What the-"

"Don't even say that Lily! You know how pissed I get when you act all insecure! It's petty! The most insecure girls are the prettiest ones. If you even think for a moment you can talk to me and tell me a guy doesn't think your worth it! TO. HELL. WITH. THEM."

I gave her a sad look which soon over came with a bit of laughter.


Sammi questioned now laughing her self.

"You don't do the whole 'do this or your gonna regret it' speech good."

She burst out laughing afterward. There's always those moments when you and your best friends just laugh at nothing! Those are the best. And that is what makes Sammi such a great friend!

"Oh by the way! We're going rafting tomorrow and me and Sean are on one, Sean and some girl are on one, and you and Tristan are signed up to be on one!"

Spoke to soon. This bitch must be crazy. But i didn't protest other wise she would question me and Sammi knows I'm the worst liar of all time. Well I might not be a bad liar it's just hard to lie to your best friend...

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