Good Riddance

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A/N: Okay I am sorry I have been away for a LONG time. My goal is to update weekly for the rest of the year, and also make accounts on Archive of Our Own and Whofic. I will probably post updates on my tumblr, tenoutoftennant. And I also have an AU in the works. That is all for now.

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road.

Rose breathed a sigh of relief as the intercom announced that Henrik's would be closing in five minutes. She plopped down a jumper she had just folded and stared at the clock, counting down the seconds until she was free for the day.
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go.

The manikins begin to surround Rose. She was panicking, something seemed wrong with everything. Out of nowhere, a man with piercing blue eyes grabs her hand and whispers, "Run."
So make the best of this test and don't ask why.

Rose kissed Mickey one last time, and then ran to the Doctor. Although she was putting blind faith in a man she barely knew, she had seen enough to acknowledge that he would change her for good. They began running and for once she didn't look back.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right.

Rose could see everything. Everything in all of time and space. All this power inside of her, she could feel it ripping her apart inside, cell by cell. The last dalek disappeared, crushed by her godly power. The Doctor leaned towards her and she blacked out in a flash of light.
I hope you had the time of your life.

The doctor flashed Rose one last painful, bittersweet smile. Rose couldn't believe her eyes when her Doctor, the man she had loved for so long burst into golden flames. When the light diminished, a new, younger man stood in her Doctor's place. He continued talking to her as if he were still her Doctor.

But he wasn't. He simply couldn't be. One more thing nagged at the back of Rose's thoughts. She swore that somewhere, way back before "Run", she had seen him before.
So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind.

This new Doctor still wanted her. Just because he'd changed doesn't mean he's any different. Rose smiled as they ran into the TARDIS. Once again, she didn't look back.

Rose still wanted him. Just because he'd changed doesn't make her any less happy with him. The Doctor smiled as they ran into the TARDIS. Only this time, he did look back. He looked at her, his pink and yellow companion. A warm feeling that bubbled up in his stomach made him realise one thing: he loved her.
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time.

They stumbled through the TARDIS doorway and fell down on the grating of the control room, laughing so hard that they were crying.

"Banned from the British Empire," Rose giggled, shaking her head in shock, "by Queen Victoria herself!"

"Who's going to save your world now, Dame Rose?" chuckled the Doctor. "You lot can hardly go without getting yourselves invaded every other day." "Oi!" Rose said, swatting playfully at his hair. "You watch it now."
The Doctor held out his hand and helped her up. They made their way to the ship's controls, not quite aware of how tight their grip on each other was, or how intimately close they were standing to each other.
"So, Sir Doctor, where to next?"
Tattoos and memories and dead skin on trial.

The Doctor's image flickered and disappeared mid-sentence. Rose collapsed in a flood of tears. He was so close. So close to saying it after all this time. Jackie walked over to Orse and hugged her to calm her down. It only made things worse, reminding her that she'd never get to hug him like that again.

Rose stopped her pitiful weeping and took on a different mindset. If the doctor was this important to her, she wasn't going to let anything get in the way of her seeing the man she loved again. Even if it took the end of the world for it to happen
For what it's worth, it was worth all the while.

Rose gazed around at the people surrounding the various buttons and levers of the ship she never thought she'd see again. The TARDIS was humming cheerfully, a familiar noise, welcoming Rose back home.

The console was surrounded by friendly faces, some old, some new. Donna, Martha, the "Metacrisis" Doctor, her mum, Sarah Jane. All different backgrounds, shapes, sizes, and races. But nevertheless, they were her family.

But most importantly, Rose had her Doctor back. The Doctor had his Rose back. And as far as she was concerned, that wasn't going to change.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right.

They won.
Rose couldn't believe it. The stupid, brilliant planet Earth was back in it's place. They had beaten the Daleks.

Mickey, Sarah, and Martha stayed back on Earth. They had their fill for quite a while and wanted to live out their lives.

But now they were back to the start: Bad Wolf Bay. Rose knew deep down inside that this day would be the last she saw of her Doctor.
I hope you had the time of your life

"I love you," he whispered into her ear. Rose gazed into the Metacrisis Doctor's eyes. Orbs filled with hope and anticipation of what was going to happen next. Without a moment's hesitation, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his mouth to hers. He grasped her waist and deepened the firey kiss. Oh yes. This was definitely the same man.

When they broke apart a few moments later, Rose turned to say goodbye to her Doctor. He turned away, an unmistakable emotion written on his face: heartbreak.

Rose started towards him but it was too late. He was back inside the TARDIS and it faded away for the last time. A lone tear dripped down her cheek. The Doctor's newborn doppelganger squeezed her hand. They turned away and walked down the beach. Rose didn't look back.

The Doctor never said goodbye. But really, why should he? The word symbolizes not just a farewell but also a finale. The story of the Doctor and his Rose, and their undying love for each other is a tale that will come to a close someday. But even after parting ways for the last time, their story is only just beginning.

All character rights go to BBC
Words in italics are from "Good Riddance" by Green Day
I do not own any of the characters in this story

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