Tardis Terrors

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A/N: I'm going camping for a few days so I thought I would write a quick fic before I do. I have one planned for afterwards but I need to rewatch the runaway bride beforehand so it requires time. Anyway, enough of my rambling.

This one will be the Doctor instead of Tentoo, taking place between Fear Her and Army of Ghosts


The Doctor sighed and stared at the screen in the TARDIS. They had just entered the time vortex. Rose was sleeping alone in her room down the hall. Time Lords did not need nearly as much sleep as humans did, due to their superior biology and whatnot, so the Doctor was by himself and bored out of his mind. He had ran out of things to fix or tidy up inside his TARDIS.

He tiptoed down the hall to Rose's room in his cotton shirt and flannel pajama pants with bananas on them (picked out by Rose, of course). He slowly opened the door to the bedroom and peaked in. Rose was curled up with one sheet around her. Her soft, blonde hair covered part of her beautiful face. Her breathing was slow and steady. She looked so calm and peaceful, the Doctor left so he wouldn't wake her.

He made his way down the hall. When he got back to the control room, he heard a strangled cry from down the hall.

"No! No! Doctor! Doctor! Please come back! No!"

The doctor turned and raced back down the hall. He burst into the room and turned on the light. Rose sat on her bed, hugging her knees, shaking and crying. The Doctor felt both of his hearts break at the sight of her. He walked over and knelt by the bed.

"Are you alright, Rose?" he asked, immediately regretting it. Of course she wasn't alright! The girl he loved was sitting there sobbing her eyes out and he wasn't doing anything about it. "Do you need anything? What's going on?"

Rose sniffled. "It's just- you were- I was-" She broke down crying, unable to finish her sentence. She held her arms out toward the Doctor.

He got up and sat next to her on the bed. She wrapped her arms around him and he pulled her into his lap. They sat there together holding each other for a while. Rose cried silently into the Doctor's shoulder while he stroked her hair and kissed her on the top of her head. Once she had calmed down, she pulled away and sat perpendicular to him on the bed. He looked into her warm chocolate eyes and saw the sorrow held within them. She slid her hand into his and gripped it tightly.

"Tell me what happened," the Doctor finally said.

"It w-was awful," she said. "I had a nightmare. We got separated."

"Oh Rose," he started. "You know that if that happened, I would go out of my way to find yo-"

"No you don't understand!" she cut him off. Tears streamed down her face. "We didn't just get separated. We got sealed off in two different dimensions. I would never be able to see you again... can you imagine that? I would never be able to survive a day without you." She leaned back into the Doctor's arms. He slipped his hand under her chin and brought it up so that she was eye to eye with him.

Wow, he thought to himself, she looks always looks so beautiful no matter what. I could never lose her.

Rose placed her hand on the back of his head and pulled him into a kiss. She then slowly let go, and laid back down.

When the Doctor thought she was asleep, he whispered to her.

"Rose Tyler, I love you."

Rose heard this right before she drifted into unconsciousness, and smiled a little bigger.

She eventually fell asleep in his arms, her head over one of his hearts, her hand lying on the other.

Everything was tranquil. Everything was happy. Everything was perfect.

Until the next day.

And, well, you know what happens after that.
All credits for Rose Tyler, the Doctor, and the TARDIS go to BBC

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