C h a p t e r 4

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Chapter 4 - Isabella's pov


Then He grabbed my hand and pulled me. We ran across the bridge to the other side. We both fell to the ground as the troll slowly walked over to Us making the ground shake.

The huntsman got up and pulled out his sword. I gasped as he was hitting the huge troll with it. Poor creature probably was just protecting its home. The troll stomped his foot only to make us both tumble to the ground again.

He got closer as the huntsman was dodging the trolls big hand. I slowly got up and hid next to a rock.

'RUN!' The huntsman called. But I couldn't move. I wanted to do something but it was to late. The troll hit him with his hand making the huntsman tumble on the dirt. He groaned in pain. The troll was about to kill him as he raised is enormous hand.

I managed to move out and run down next to the huntsman trying to get up but couldn't. I yelled STOP at the troll as he turned to look at me. He lowered his hand down, and came over to me. I steped back in fright.

Maybe that wasn't such a great Idea.

I felt the huntsman gaze in me. The troll looked me in the eye as I looked into his. I put in a clam face as I over powered him. The trolls face softened as it realised who I was. Then he bowed.

I reached out my hand as he let me to place it in the dip of his nose. I said a small thanks then before the troll walked off he looked over at the huntsman one more time. The ground shakes but soon stopped as the troll was gone.

The huntsman managed to get up and walked over to me.
'How did you do that.' He asked.

'Some people have respect.' I simply said.

He ignored it. 'I told you to run.'

'And if did, you'd be dead.' I pointed out. He looked blankly at me before grunting and walked off with me following behind him.

'Why did it bow to you?' He asked.

'Why do you think?' I asked.

'It should of killed you. Why didn't it?' He asked again.

'Maybe because it wants the kings daughter to stay alive for when she takes back her throne.' I blurted out.

Dammit Bella!

'What? But the Kings daughter is dead. And what relationship does the troll know about you and Isabella? Anyway why would you know the princess. Your a village girl that got locked away in the dungeon.' He said confused.

If only he knew.

'Knew what?' He asked. Oops I said that out loud.

My eyes got distracted by is handsome face. I wonder how old he is? Stop it bella! Focus.

'You know nothing about me or my- the king and princess.' I snapped.

'What and you do?'

Although he's handsome he can really get on my nerves sometimes. That when the whole truth somehow tumbled out my mouth.

'YES yes I do! And you know why? Because maybe I'm Isabella white,' he stopped and turned to face me. 'Daughter of King magus and Queen Savarina White.'

Well done bella. You've done it now.

'Why didn't you tell me?' He said in a soft tone.

'I didn't trust you.'

He stared at me for a long time with a shocked expression. I wondered if he was a good kisser because his lips look- stop thinking about how good his lips might be and focus on the real deal here!

'That's why she wants me dead. And that's why the troll didn't kill me.' I explained.

Suddenly he came over pulling me in for a hug. I jumped but hugged him back. Something what felt like electricity filled my body when it was against his. I loved the feeling.

'We are going to a small village across the lake.' He said pulling away. He lent down to my level and looked at me as his eyes traveled around my face, looking at my nose, cheeks, forehead, eyes and then landed on my lips. I felt a blush creeping on.

I realised I was holding my breath. I let it out. Then he smiled.

'Your so beautiful. Why didn't I see it before?'

He had me at beautiful. I probably had dirt on my face and he thinks I'm beautiful?
That really melted me on the spot.

'Maybe,' I said coming closer to him. 'That's because you thought I was just a village girl.' I said then walked pass him. I stopped at the top of a tiny hill.

'Bow down before me!' I said to no one, acting like there was a crowd. The Huntsman laughed.

'You are something else, princess.'

Isabella White and the HuntsmanWhere stories live. Discover now