C h a p t e r 5

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Chapter 5 - Isabella white and the huntsman.

Huntsman POV.

We finally found a small clearing, a lake to be exact. I grabbed some timber and tied it together making a small raft. Enough for 2.

Bella was following behind me, her black hair flowing in the wind and brown eyes looking around. She must have been stuck in that horrible castle for a while. I don't believe her own mother would even do that. And now she's after her. I won't let anyone touch her.
Wait? When did I get so overprotective?

'Lets go.' I say as I sat on the wood, i pushed my hands throw the water gently across the lake.

It took about 10 minutes.

'Why are you helping me?' Bella asked suddenly.

'Anything for the princess.'

We reached the docks and some village people gathered around. They stared at me but smiled at Isabella, obviously knowing who she is.

They help us out the boat. 'What brings you here?' One of the ladies ask me.

'Bringing the princess to safety mam.'

She smiled and fixed up my cuts and bruises. I looked over to see Bella playing with baby boy on the ground, he had blonde hair and was giggling.

'You have a keeper.' The lady smiled looking at Bella.

'Yeah well, she's a royal. I'm a huntsman.'

She sighed and stood up. She said one last thing before she left. 'Never let that get in the way of what your heart tells you.'

I walked over to bella as she looked up at me.
'We're staying a night.' I said.

She nodded and gave the boy his toy car before standing up. We walked to the small houses made of wood and metal. We had our own room made for us. As I walked in there was a chest of drawers, carpet, heater and one large bed.

We had to share a bed.

'I did say separate beds.' I said to her.

'Yeah, it's okay.' Bella said sitting down on the left side. I went on the other side and got under the covers. Soon we both fell sound asleep.

Isabella's POV

I woke up that morning with a breath tickling my neck and an arm hung over my waist. I froze for a minute until I realised that it was him. The huntsman was close to me still fast asleep.

I wanted to stay here but we had to leave soon. I was actually quite comfortable with him here, I felt protected. I closed my eyes, not asleep yet but waiting for him to wake up.


'Isabella.' Someone shook me. I must have fallen asleep. I groan and roll over nearing with someone's body. I slowly squint my eyes open to find the huntsman eyes so close and right on mine.

I realised how close I was to him and instantly sat up on the bed.
'Sorry.' I mumbled.

'Come on, we're leaving soon.' He said getting his weapons and jacket. I got out of bed and went behind a wall to put on some jeans and a nice dark blue top and a leather jacket.

'Thank you for having us.' I say to the lady.

'Anytime, your majesty.' She did a small bow before smiling at the huntsman. Wonder what they were talking about?

'Okay let's go.'

I started following him through the long grass. It started snowing, making my black hair stand out.

'Were are we going now?'

'I don't know yet.' He said.

It was so much better having these clothes on than a stupid dress. I could run and walk freely without tripping over. We traveled a while, it was silent.

Then I bumped my head on a tree. Yes I walked into a tree. Yes it was embarrassing. And yes i probably will get a bruise there.

'Are you okay.' The huntsman asked me.

'Yeah I'm fine, but you have beautiful eyes.' I said looking into his brown eyes, feeling abit dizzy.
I sat down in the ground and rested my head in my hand.

'How many finger am I holding up?' He said lifting up his hand.

I groaned. 'It's three.'

'Two, actually.'

'Well, Close enough.'

He looked at me for a minute then spoke. 'Princess, I think you might have a concussion.'

'Your face is a concussion.'

He chuckled and helped me up, we walked through the cold snow and I tried not to walk into anymore trees. Soon we heard something that sounded like someone was chopping wood.

I walked in the other direction and his in the bushes.

'What are you doing.' The huntsman coming over to me. I hushed him and pulled him down into hiding.

We both peeked through the bushes and there stood 7 little men.

'dwarfs.' He whispered.


Isabella White and the HuntsmanWhere stories live. Discover now