5. Hurt By Secrets.

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Hey readers, i am really really sorry for not updating , was facing a freaking writer's block. I will try to update atleast 2 or 3 chapters this week. I have been kinda busy with hangouts and results. So yeah i couldn't edit the chapters. Feel free to point out mistakes....

Here's chapter 5.


Chloe's POV.

3 weeks later.

My school was over so I was asleep in a deep sleep until my brother showed up.

He is really sweet and I love him, but nobody is allowed to mess with my sleep.

Not even my own brother.

Lucas Roman Adams, my brother who is 21 years old and is currently not living with us. I have spent a lot of time with him while growing up. He was basically the only man in the house.

My Dad. Well, I don't know much about him, the only thing I know, he is dead. How, and when, that I never got to know. I tried to ask mom about him at several times, but she would just become emotional and start crying and believe me I hate seeing her cry.

So yeah, I stopped asking her.

And as for my brother, whenever I asked him, he replied "he wasn't a good man and he is dead"

And well that explains nothing. How was he a bad guy and how he died? It was all a mystery to me. And I guess I was so attached to my mom and Lucas, I felt no desire of having a dad.

Or maybe I did. Sometimes.

Lucas loved me more than anything. He would give up anything just for me. He protected me like a guardian angel. He has beaten up many guys because of me. Not that he is a bad guy or something he just cannot stand anyone bothering me.

What if I told him about THE MASKED MAN'S encounter? He would definitely kill him and surprisingly I didn't want that.

He was knocking on my door continuously.

"Chloe get up you lazy ass" he shouted.

"Go away, let me sleeeep" I cried.

"You open the door or I am gonna break it" he replied as he started knocking harder.


I opened the door and crawled back into my bed as soon as possible.

"Whatt Lucas?? I wanna sleep" I made a puppy face.

I could tell from his facial expressions that he was going to start tickling me.

And I am extremely ticklish.

As soon as I tried to move away from him, He already started tickling me.

Too late Chloe.

I tried to run away from him. And in a matter of seconds we were running in the whole house.

Typical siblings.

After 5 minutes we both were on the couch laughing.

Ouch my stomach hurts.

Note to self - do not run and laugh and the same time.

Well, this isn't the first time it was happening. Whenever Lucas visited , something like this always happened. We get along really well and I am really glad that we do.


"Chloe" Lucas knocked.

"Lucas, its 12 am what do you want, is my baby scared and can't sleep?" I love teasing my brother.

"Are you done, can I speak now?," he looked serious.

"Is everything alright? Come on in," I was concerned because he is never this serious.

"Chloe, you always asked about dad and we never gave you a correct answer and I am sure that you really want to know, don't you??" He said.

I shook my head in reply.

Why is he talking about dad right now. What is going on.

"I guess it's time to tell you that the man who we unfortunately have to call our dad isn't dead" I could tell from his facial expressions that he wasn't comfortable talking about this.

Wait! What, my dad isn't dead , he is alive , why didn't they tell me before.

I was just confused.

He continued "Chloe, I know you are confused that if dad is alive, why isn't he with us and how come you never met him, the thing is dad hates all of us"

I could feel my eyes getting watery. My own dad hates me. What could be worst.

"Chloe don't cry please, look at me, you are brave aren't you, and don't you wanna know the truth" he wiped the tears of my face.

"Why did he hate us and where is he right now??" my voice was shaking.

"Uhmm okay so I was 4 when mom got pregnant with you and dad got into crisis, he somehow felt that it was your fault and you were bad influence on our lives, he asked mom to abort you, but mom didn't and he started beating mom because of this situation, dad used to beat her even more after you were born, when you were around 4 he he" his voice started shaking.

I could feel that Lucas was crying. I have never seen him cry like this before, mom and Lucas didn't deserved what my dad did but I wasn't gonna let Lucas break down like this because of that asshole who apparently is my dad.

I gathered all my strength and said - "What happened after that Lucas" I tried to act strong.

"How did you people get rid of that guy?" I refuse calling him my dad.

"So when you were around 3, one night dad came home and he was drunk, he started cursing you and mom, he said that you are the reason he is in crisis and you are bad news, he was continuously beating mom and she was bleeding, I was scared as hell, so I called the cops and he got arrested and since then we haven't heard from him and honestly I don't even want to" he ended his sentence with a cold voice.

"He was doing all this to hide his guilt" Lucas said after catching a breath.

"What??" guilt of what, why was dad guilty.

"He had been cheating with mom with some girl and so just to hide his guilt, he was doing all that shit" Lucas replied.

A tear fell from my eyes and I wrapped my arms around him. He returned the hug with the same warmth.

"Lucas" I managed to say.

"Hmm" Lucas looked at me with his watery eyes.

"Thanks," I muttered.

I don't know why I thanked him, I just felt like I owe him and mom.

"I wouldn't let that bastard near us ever again Chloe I promise," he pressed my hand with his hands and kissed on my forehead.

There was silence in the room, but we both knew that silence was filled with emotions and love.

Who knew mom and Lucas were hiding so much of pain behind their smiling faces.

I will admit I was hurt beyond hurt when I heard those words out of Lucas's mouth. But I didn't even know my dad so I guess that didn't make much difference to me.

Or maybe it did.

He hates me, Lucas and mom, but the good thing is, he isn't in our life anymore and I honestly don't give a flying fuck where he is now.

I don't care if he thought I was bad news or whatever honestly, I don't but, the fact that he made mom and Lucas cry is enough for me to hate him.

Another person added to my hate list.

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