1- Kingsman Academy

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Mila's POV

As I go through my closet thoroughly, many thoughts go through my mind. What if I still get teased? Will I still have my one friend? Will I fit in? I mean, this is an academy for the smartest tweens. I just happened to get in. What if the other smart kids will make fun of me? This is my first year at an advanced academy, after all.

I shake my head and walk toward my laptop. I turn it on and go on MingleCam, a video chat site. I only have one person in my contacts. I click on her name and wait for her to answer...

Sky's POV

As I get finished tying my tie, my computer makes a 'ding' sound. I prance toward my computer and see my friend trying to call me. I hit accept and sit down on my chair. Mila's face comes up on the monitor. She looks panicked.

"What's up?"

"I don't know what to wear!"


"I want to make a good first impression at our new school. These people are smart and rich. I don't want them thinking I'm poor. What should I wear? Help Me!"

"Umm...well you kn-"

"Should I wear that black shirt that makes my stomach fat look invisible?"

"You don't even have stomach fat! You are the skinniest girl in town! Wait...what am I saying? Mila, we ha-"

"Or that blue top that's padded? That may make the boys think I'm bigger than I really am..." Mila said starting to blush.

"Mila! Listen! We have school uniforms!"

I stand up so she can see mine. Mila's face gets red. I point behind her. As she turns around, she sees her uniform hanging from her door handle. Mila looks at me and starts to giggle.

"Hehe sorry. I'm not used to wearing a uniform. At our other school we could wear whatever we wanted, but now that we go to a 'smart school' I guess it's only right to have uniforms."

I sigh as I wave goodbye and turn off my monitor. I brush out my short, dirty blonde hair and tie it in a ponytail. I look in the mirror. "Well, let's do this."

As I walk onto the campus I feel like a college student. I look around and see cute girls wearing skirts longer than mine, some shorter than mine, and some the same length. I figured it was determined by height. And of course, I'm small, so I get the medium one. Well, I'm not as small as Mila. In height, weight, and bust, I'm a titan to her. She's "95 pounds of fury" or so she says. I, however, am 106 pounds of cheesecake and soy sauce, even though 106 pounds is the average weight for 13 year old girls. Mila, is so underweight it's not funny.

I also see cute boys. Really cute boys. I have my eye on one in particular. Standing next to the entrance with a group. He is leaning on the wall with his arms behind his head. His blonde hair waving in the wind. He looks my way and I quickly look away. I look back at him and he is still looking at me. Does he think I'm cute? I look away again and walk away. I still have a feeling he is looking...

I find a cherry blossom tree near the gate of the school and sit under it. I take my cell phone and wait for Mila.

Mila's POV

As I get done brushing my long, black hair, I look at my clock.



I grab my bag, put on my shoes, and run out the door. School doesn't start until 8, but I promised Sky I would meet her at the school at 7:40. It takes me 5 minutes to get to the academy. I run fast. I am always late. Every time Sky and I make plans, I seem to never make it on time. I see the gate to the school and run faster. In the middle of the castle-like school, there is a big clock tower. It reminds me of Big Ben. 7:40. I push through the gate. Finally, I'm on school property. I guess I'm not late. I look around and see Sky under a cherry blossom tree on my left. I walk towards her.

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