Chapter 4

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Haiii guys! I really tried writing  this as long as i could. So, I hope you enjoy it! (:


   Chapter Four

"Allison, will you just calm down?

  Kacie and I were currently in the lunch room at our usual table inside, and I was going crazy. 

Ever since the little "incident" in the halls with Hunter, and after I told Kacie what happened, I've been worrying all day. There were so many thoughts going through my head about what could Hunter do for payback. And I've been fidgeting ever since this morning trying to think of the possible punishments. Okay, maybe I'm overexaggerating a little. But, you can never get away with something like I did with the king jock. That doesn't mean he didn't deserve it, though. And I'm not sorry at all, for that was his fault. 

 'What if's' been constantly running through my mind of what he's going to do in return. It's making me go crazy. If I was a guy, he'd probably beat me up and I would go through years of bullying. But I'm a girl. He wouldn't hurt me. Right? Oh my gosh, all this stuff is stressing me out. But, seriously. That question has been nagging me all day. 

What will he do? And if he is going to do something, what? 

So here I am, sitting in my chair at our lunch table. Well, I wouldn't call it sitting. I've been sliding in it since the beginning of the period, making me look like I'm trying to scratch my butt against the chair. There's a pizza sitting in front of me untouched while Kacie is giving me these worried looks like I'm a mental person. 

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even hear words coming from Kacie's mouth until snapping fingers were in front of my face, catching my attention. 

"Wha-huh?" I snap out of my thoughts and focus on my best friend's face across from me. Kacie sends me a glare. I send her an apologetic smile and shake my head, trying to take away all of my thoughts. 

"Sorry," I sigh, and start picking on my pizza. I wasn't very hungry anymore. 

"Are you okay?" Kacie looks worriedly at me. "You seem out of it..." She trails off. 

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." I try to reassure her. 

She gives me a 'I'm not stupid' look on her face. Well then. Guess I failed. 

"Look, If this is about the whole Hunter thing, don't worry about it! Stop worrying, it's not good. Allison, relax. I don't think he'll do anything." She reassures. But, the look on her face, it looks like she's trying to reassure herself. Thankful for her careness and those words, even if they might not be true, I put on a big smile on my face and try to stop stressing over all of this. 

"You're right. Sorry I got you all worried, I'm just you know a little stressed out on all of this on what he might do." I sneak a glance at Hunter. He had a random girl on his lap and was currently sucking faces with her. Nasty. Talk about modesty. I turn away in disgust and see the same expression on Kacie's face. 

"Well, don't be. Now, let's eat and maybe after school, we can go to the ice cream shack," she replies. 

I nod my head and was grateful for the change of conversation. "Sounds good. I hadn't had ice cream over there in a while." There was this ice cream shop near our school. It was kinda like a hang out place and had the best ice cream ever. A lot of the kids here go there.

As I try to think of ice cream and listen into Kacie's story about her grandma trying to learn kung fu, I sneak glances Hunter's way. All of those ice cream thoughts ran out of my head and were replaced with the crazy 'what if's' questions once I got a look at Hunter. I inwardly groaned. Not again. I sigh quietly and make no use of throwing these thoughts away. I just can't. So, I let the the possible things he might do, in my head and go through things I might do if he does strike at me.

Oh my god, I was staring.(Fortunately,no more make out session) Talk about creepy. Why was I looking anyway? Why am I not looking away? Luckily, Kacie dismissed herself to the bathroom, so she wouldn't see me staring at Hunter like that. She'd think I was worrying again. And just like that, I got caught. 

It happened so fast, I didn't have time to look away from his face. His hazel eyes caught mine and I just couldn't look away. I probably was looking so intently at him because of my thoughts. I must've looked really creepy! Great. I thought. He's gonna think I like him now or something. His eyes captivated mine and as much as I wanted to look away, I just couldn't. 

He smirked my way and gave me a look. The one that was 'I know your looking. Like what you see?' I glare at him and feel my cheeks heating up. I turn away and my hair falls over my face, making a curtain to cover up my red cheeks. I sneak a peek through the black strands of my hair and see him still looking at me. He raises an eyebrow and cocks his head at me. My eyes widen and my head snaps away from him. 

Well, that was embarrassing. The bell rings and I hurry to the girls' restroom to wait for Kacie so we could walk to class together. 

But, I have this feeling there were more embarrassing moments to come. 


Hey guys! Yeah, so not much of a very long chapter. But, I had to shorten it up a bit so I can give you a little something to read becasue yea, yea, I know. I haven't updated in a LONG time. I don't know how long, but I just know it's very long. lol. 

So yeah, laptop was taken away. Phone and IPod was stolen. And I'm now currently using my sister's laptop. Yup. Life kinda sucks sometimes. But at least I still got to update this once! I'll really try to update again and make it longer. 

Well, that's pretty much it! Don't forget to vote and give me your thoughts! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and there are more to come! Love ya! :* xoxo


(^^that reminds me of Pretty little Liars >.<)

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