Chapter 3 (Hunter to the side)

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Hey everybody! So here's chapter 3! I honestly really don't know how I feel about this chapter, but I'll see how it'll end up anyway. I hope you guys enjoy! (:


  Chapter three

 Today was not my day. 

It was now Thursday, and I've been having some pretty bad luck. First, I fell asleep reading a book and forgot to set my alarm, which is why it is currently 8:54 a.m. (school starts 8:30 and I usually get to school 8:20 to get to my locker). Second, I tried taking a quick shower, which was a bad idea because when I practically jumped out of the shower, I ended up slipping and falling on my butt really hard on my bathroom's tiled floor which is causing my ass to sore every time anything touches it. Third, I skipped breakfast just so I could drive to school faster, which is why my stomach sounds like I'm pregnant with a dragon. And fourth, when I got to school, the hallways were nearly empty which means that classes already started, which is why I am now running down the aisles like a crazy woman. 

Yup, I'm having really bad luck today. 

I'm lost in my thoughts trying to hurry down to my class faster. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shi---


My thoughts are cut off when I feel a hard body bump into me. Then, everything all happens in slow motion. My books and papers that were in my hand before, flew from my hands and the smacking of the hard textbooks coming contact with the floor, rang through my ears. My body jerks backwards from the muscled body and I try to regain my balance, but it's too late. My body hits the floor, hard. But, the real thing I'm concerned about is the throbbing pain in my butt when I landed on the floor. A painful gasp escapes my mouth as my butt feels like it's on fire! My hair is all over my face and my clothes are a little wrinkled from the fall, but I could care less. My butt feels like it's getting a million stabs from sharp swords! I already hurt it real hard this morning, adding more pain to it makes me want to just cry.

 My eyes scan the body above me through my strands of hair. A guy. Wow, what a gentlemen! Can't even speak an apology or offer me a hand to help me get off my butt. I grunt and try to get up and I wince when my butt sores. Damn, these school floors are really hard. 

"You should really watch where you're going" a rough, husky voice barked. My body freezes. 

Holy damn. 

It's him.

Mr. Asshole next door who is why I can't sleep due to his loud love making with his little skanks. 

Hunter. Smith. 

For some reason, I get even more angrier. So, he basically takes my sleep away, then he nearly knocks me over and blames it on me??!!! My hands ball up into fists at my sides as I try to control my breathing. 

Don't punch him in the face, don't punch him in the face...

Now, I'm not a violent person at all whatsoever, but this idiot right here just seems to get under my nerves. 

I push the hair out of my face and snap my head towards him. "Why don't you watch where you're going" I say, venom lacing my tone. I don't know where all this confidence has come from because like a normal person, I should've just murmured an apology and scurried away, scared out of my wits. I'm usually the shy type that would just let it go. But, I'm not gonna deal with his bullshit right now. I don't know, maybe it's because I've been having a really bad day, but who knows?

He looks taken aback a bit. And honestly, I'm kind of shocked, myself. Nobody talks to him like that. Remember, king of the world! (Note the sarcasm!) His brown hair is messed up in a sexy way, and his deep hazel eyes seem to catch me in a daze. I've only seen him from afar and still, close up, this boy is even hotter. Is that even possible? But still, Hunter is some asshole. Oh, and a man-whore. (:

His expression changes from taken aback, to fury. "What did you say?" he says in a low voice, almost  growling. Oh, if he thinks that I'll back out now and run away, think again bad boy!

"Are you deaf?" My voice is the same tone he used. "I said, 'why don't you watch where you're going'" His eyes widen in surprise. Ha! But,there's this sinking feeling that I'll regret this later. He always wants payback to whom ever did anything "drastic" to him. 

"Now, if you excuse me," I say, gathering my stuff off the ground, "I'm late to class." I give him one last look before brushing past him to my class, leaving him in awe. A triumph smile slowly creeps onto my face as I walk briskly down the halls.

After giving my teacher a pass (also after her giving me a death glare for interrupting her teaching) and after settling down in my seat in the back, I try to concentrate on the teacher's lecture but my mind always runs through the events that played in the hallway. Remember that sinking feeling I felt earlier? Yup, I'm feeling that right now. I'm positive I'm not going to be let off that easily. He's Hunter Smith for Christ's sakes! I bite my lip nervously, scared of what's to come. 

It's still the beginning of the day, and I've been having a pretty bad day so far. I pray to God that there isn't any more bad luck later on. 

  If only I knew that talking to him in the deserted hallway, would change my life forever.


Hey! I hoped you enjoyed it! I was supposed to write it longer, but I felt it needed to stop right there for now. Until then, I'm working on chapter four. Thanks for reading! Love you! :*

Also check out Hunter! holy mother of god, that boy is fineee. But, don't you worry ladies, I'll post a shirtless pic of him next time. (; There was just too many photos he was HOTT in. 

xoxo, Angela <33333

Ps. Pleaseee give me some feedback, I'm scared that this story won't turn out good! Thanks! Have a good day, or goodnight! (: 

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