Chapter 2

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 So, here is chapter two! Again, please ignore my tiny mistakes that I might've missed when I proofread it. Enjoy!

Chapter two

 Remember when I said I hoped the day would go fast? 

Yup, just my luck. The day has just been a drag. I'm literally trying to keep my eyes open in class, and anywhere, whatsoever. I was still stuck in 6th period in history class. Might I add, is my worst subject. Like come on! I do not need to learn about dead people. Now the clock looks like it's not even moving! So, yes, I'm stuck here in this class, watching the clock tick very very slowly. 

  Just 18 more minutes, Allison. 18 more minutes, I chant in my head. 

I try to pay attention to the subject Mr. Waltson is teaching, but it's just no use. It's really hard to listen and comprehend his words when you can barely keep your eyes open. After a few attempts to hear what he's talking about, I give up. I check the clock and I slump in my seat even more. 16 more minutes. It's been two minutes, but it already feels like eternity. A sigh escapes my lips before I can stop myself. (A very loud one at that) 

 Yeah, big mistake.

I didn't notice Mr. Waltson stop his teaching till he cut in, "Am I boring you with my important lecture, Ms. Carter?" his tone cold and icy. Oh shit. 

All the attention is towards me as the distraction. Oh god, I hated the attention. My eyes widened for a brief second, and before I could deny it, Mr. Waltson beats me to it.

"Because you could leave my classroom if my teaching is so boring." My eyes meet his gaze and I wish I haven't. It's like you could see fire in his eyes as he gives me death glares. I gulp loudly. Now, all my teachers love me (Not to sound conceited-like) but, for some reason, this bald-headed old warts-face guy doesn't seem to really have a like in me from what I can see. 

"No-o Mr. Waltson. I'm sorry.I promise It won't happen again." I murmur, looking away from his penetrating gaze. He responds with a low grunt and proceeds to teach this lesson. Feeww. I really didn't like getting in trouble. 

After more agonizing minutes and death glares from the teacher, the bell finally rang. As I walk like a zombie towards my locker to fish out my books for my next class, I hear my name being called faintly through the crowded teenagers. I shrug it off, and continue to head my way to my locker. After entering my combination and taking my books out for my next class, I slam my locker door shut. Just as I turn around, I catch sight of my best friend, Kacie, heading towards me. 

"Hey" she says a little breathless, probably from rushing her way over here through the crowded area. It does get suffocating. "I was calling your name." 

"Yeah, sorry. I'm just really out of it today." I say, offering her an apologetic smile as we make our way to our next class together. 

"No, biggie!" she chirps, obviously in a better mood than I am. Kacie and I have been best friends since middle school and since then, we've been inseparable. We've been there for each other every step of the way through high school challenges and teenage life. I know everything about her and vice versa. We always got each others' backs no matter what. 

I told her earlier about the whole "didn't get much sleep last night" thing and the reason why. So, she totally understands how I'm suffering right now. We walk into Mrs. Barnett's classroom, which luckily doesn't hate me, and take a seat in the back. I may be a little nerd sometimes, but I don't sit in the front like the other nerds. I like to sit in the back where you could see everything. 

Kacie flips her strawberry blonde hair out of her face before turning to me to chit chat a bit because the teacher hasn't assigned any work yet and the whole class isn't even here. 

"Soooo..." she drags on, trying to start a conversation. Unlike me, the shy type, Kacie can talk. Like she can talk a lot when she wants to. She's a little chatter box. But, I guess that's okay because she always seems to lighten the mood with her good mood and funny jokes.

 "Are you still up for movie night?" she asks, her attention on me. Every Friday, we would always have this movie night thing at her house or mine, it depends. Basically, it's like a slumber party-----girl talk, makeovers, confessions, games, and so on. 

I nod my head in reply and she smiles brightly "Ok, so do you want it at my house or yours?" Usually we have it at her's most of the time, so why not this time? My mom will probably be complaining if were too loud and all that stuff. "Is yours fine?" I ask. "Yeah. Ok, so it's all settled. This Friday, my house, 7 P.M. sharp like always" she says, excited. I smile at her.

After a few minutes of talking, class begins. Thankfully, this class seemed to fly by fast and soon, Kacie and I were making our way through the crowd to the school's front door. The Spring air hits me as I open the door and I breath in the fresh air. 

After saying goodbye to Kacie, I head to my car to drive home. Turning on the radio, Coldplay starts playing. I tap my fingers on the steering wheel to the beat and hum along. My house comes in sight and I couldn't be more happier. I really need that nap. Parking my car in the driveway, I notice that mom isn't home yet. Probably still at a business meeting or something. 

Entering my home, I run up the stairs and bolt through my valunder room. A smile creeps on my face as I see my perfectly-made bed in all it's glory. Dropping my bag on the floor, I flop onto my comforters. I sigh as the mattress engulfs me comfortably. I'll just do my homework later. My eyes flutter close and soon, I drift off into a perfect dream with rainbows and unicorns. (:


Hey! Hope you enjoyed! sorry if this was a really slow chapter for you! I promise you it will pick up a bit later on in the story! Love you! mwaa! :*

~xoxo, Angela <3333~

Ps. Any feedback? I wanna know what you think! (: Have a nice day! 

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