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Whenever I say I'm homeschooled, I always get lots of looks and questions, but mostly it's this question:

"How do you like being homeschooled?"

Or, maybe this one:

"Is it fun being homeschooled?"

Come on, guys. It's school. It's not fun. 

Although I guess it is nice being able to do school in your PJ's and eat Cheez-it's while doing algebra (both of which I have done, haha) 

I get the feeling some people think that we get to laze around all day. 

We don't. 

Do you know how much my mom hates it when I procrastinate on my work?

Well, I've answered the question people have about fun. Summary-- The 'home' part is fun, the 'school' part is not.

As for the first question...yeah, I do like being homeschooled.

It's nice not having to get up early on a winter morning to ride the bus. It's nice being able to have  homecooked grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch instead of cafeteria food or a sandwich. Sometimes we even go out to eat for lunch (but that's rare).

Once again, doing school is the hard part. Especially with seven younger siblings chasing each other around the house while you are trying to take a test.


--actual quote from me

If you look at the image above the chapter, you can see 20 great things about homeschooling. I guess those are the reasons I love it. Homeschooling has it's tough days, but in the end I'm always glad to be at home.

In fact, I think I'll go into detail about some of the reasons. Because I DO WHAT I WANT.

2. The teacher-pupil ratio is great. Sometimes. With all my younger siblings, sometimes my mom can't give me all the attention I need for my school. Usually why I teach myself most of the time.

4. I definitely feel the 'socializing with people of all ages'. I had a friend who was 11. I was thirteen. I remember my dad saying that if I was in school, I probably wouldn't be friends with her. Not to say public schoolers don't have friends outside of their age group. But you mostly stick to people your age, right? I only have one friend who is my age. The rest are either older or younger. 

5. Running to catch the bus. Oh yeah. Never happened to me. Ever.

7. Heck yeah school prayer is encouraged. How would I survive through the day without a little prayer to Our Lord and Savior?

10. True. My birthday is in the Summer, though, so I don't really feel this one. But my siblings do. We always take off on their birthdays and we party all day instead. RAISE THE ROOF!

13. Definitely. I never wore crop tops or short shorts. I think that it is immodest to be showing that much skin, and I never had peer pressure telling me that it was a good idea.

15. Haha, yep. Right in the middle of an algebra test? Just get up and go to the bathroom whenever you feel like it. I've even interrupted a test to get myself a snack or a cup of coffee/tea.

18.(Severus Snape voice) Always. My mom sometimes decides to bake cookies randomly for us to have after we're done with school in the afternoon. Or sometimes, while we're doing school.

19. Yup. My little brother was so competitive, when he saw that I was learning how to read, he wanted to learn too, just so he could catch up with me. He's still like that, actually. "Abby's doing the test on Thursday instead of Friday? I NEED TO WORK HARDER SO I CAN DO THE TEST THURSDAY, TOO"

And finally, 20. I love being home. We relax and have family time after my dad comes home in the afternoon. We kick back and watch TV at night, usually wrestling (because it's on 3 nights a week, 4 if there's a PPV lol) 

And did I mention we don't HAVE to finish school in the afternoon? If we finish all our assignments before lunch, we're done for the day. Be jealous.

I love being homeschooled.

We don't have kids using foul language or bullying, it's just us in our school.

And it's awesome.

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