Mah Halloween costume :3

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Sincemoxnrollins really wanted to see my costume, here it is! I totally forgot to take a picture of just me lol but here's me with my friends.

From left to right, it's

Far left: my friend Rebecca. She's Mabel (Gravity Falls) and she had a pink headband, a blue sweater with unicorns on it, navy blue skirt, and white socks with black shoes. Also a Waddles plush. She ROCKED IT XD

Second to the left: ah, yes, there's me. Wearing my Dean Ambrose costume, and known among my friends as 'the nerd that likes wrestling'. Ok, well not really lol but that's basically me. Anyway, I was wearing my Ambrose Asylum shirt, DA sweatshirt,  jeans, and black shoes. Plus I had my white taped hands and stubble (eyeliner).

Next to me on the right: my friend Addie. She was Black Widow (Age of Ultron). Just like Natasha in the second Avenger film, she had the blue lights on her black costume, plus two blue glowsticks. She also put red coloring in her hair, although you can't see it well in the picture. She even had the black widow symbol on her belt. 

Far right: my friend Rachel, as The Puppet (Five Nights At Freddys). She painted the mask herself, and she had this really cool black shirt with black-and-white striped sleeves. 

And, of course barely anything  shows in the pic. I am not a photographer lol.

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Also, on a different note...could people stop judging me for my likes just for one night?

Sorry, mini rant coming. But it has to do with my costume. 

At my friend's Halloween party, there were a bunch of other moms there with their kids.  After  my mom explained who I was,  one mom came over to me and said, "Hey, you're supposed to be a wrestler, right? Because I could totally tell!"

Was your aim to make me feel self-conscious and embarrassed about a costume I was excited about? Because you totally succeeded!

I don't want to make it seem like she's mean, because she's really not, but did she have to act sarcastically about me wearing  normal clothes like jeans for my costume? I'm just kind of sensitive about that kind of thing. Plus a bunch of other people were making fun of me for dressing up as a wrestler, wearing normal clothes, etc. Including my parents. 

Sigh. Anyway, sorry about that little rant but they do say writing your feelings down can make  you feel better. 

Hope you all had a happy Halloween, I bet all your costumes looked great! (P.s., moxnrollins yours looked AWESOME! You're welcome ;) )

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