10 Days Of Wrestling

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I love doing these things, and it's even better when it's a WWE thing XD xforever_and_a_dayx tagged me in this, so here you go! 10 Wrestling Questions!

1. Top 3 Superstars

Oh, gosh that's so hard XD Dean Ambrose would definitely be my number one. He's so entertaining, and a fantastic wrestler/talker. Actually, he's part of the reason I started watching wrestling--I loved him jumping out of random things to attack Seth Rollins, because even though I had no idea why they hated each other so much, or who they were, I found it funny (yes I've only been watching wrestling since MITB 2014, I'm a baby WWE fan XD).

John Cena is one of my favorites, but I know he's not the greatest wrestler, although he's been putting on great matches with his Open Challenge Opponents all year. I love Chris Jericho as well (I wish he was on TV instead of only being on Live shows. I miss him), and although Dolph Ziggler's been placed in horrible rivalries as of late, I love him too. Xavier Woods is also becoming one of my favorites :3

I'd have to say my three favorites are:

#1: Dean Ambrose

#2: Chris Jericho

#3: John Cena

2. Top Three Divas

I love love LOVE Bayley, but as I assume this is WWE Women only, I'll go with people on the main roster. Becky Lynch quickly became my favorite--I have no idea when it happened, all of a sudden I was just like "I LOVE YOU BECKY." Charlotte is being confusing right now, but I think she's a good wrestler; she just needs to step out of her dad's shadow. And she needs to stop being like 'am I face or heel? You don't know.'

Natalya is awesome. She kicks butt, I wish they'd use her more. Sasha and Paige are both really talented, but they aren't really favorites of mine. The Bella's are both pretty good, but once again I'm not really a fan of theirs. 

So, for three favorites, I'll go with:

#1: Becky Lynch

#2: Natalya

#3: Charlotte/Paige (Charlotte is a little iffy right now, and if I end up liking her less, I think Paige will take her spot. I do kinda like Paige, I just...I don't know. Sometimes she annoys me, which I guess is what good heels should do XD)

3. Superstar You Miss Most

Gotta be Jericho. I know he's still doing house shows and stuff, but I wish he would come back and do Raw/Smackdown or anything on TV. He's so hilarious all the time. 

Or maybe it would be Edge and Christian. They're so awesome and funny every time they come on my screen, and I hope they come back more often to do things like that backstage segment a few months ago...you know which one I'm talking about. The Kazoo/Trombone Battle of the Century. XD

4. Diva You Miss Most

AJ Lee. I know she wanted to retire, and I hope she's happy, but I wish she never left. She was so talented. :(

5. Favorite Recent Rivalry

Hmm...I absolutely loved the Ambrose/Rollins rivalry from May/June 2015, but I loved their first rivalry more. I think I'd have to go with Dudley Boyz vs. The New Day. It was so awesome when the Dudley Boyz came back (who saw that coming? I certainly didn't) and that rivalry was hilarious. By the way, do any of you appreciate everything tables have done for you? #SAVETHETABLES That rivalry also showed me how funny all three of The New Day guys are, but especially Xavier Woods. The whole Save The Tables thing was just gold (the Dudleyz, those dirty table poachers!) and I'm still wishing they had a table match at some point. It would've been awesome XD

6. Favorite Past Rivalry

For past rivalry, they probably mean going back 20 or 30 years, but I'm just going to last year--the Dean and Seth rivalry: Part One.

I loved it, because it had so much history behind it--most rivalries I see are basically just "we both hate each other, or maybe we don't. Maybe this just came out of nowhere. Anyway, let's have at it" (i.e. Rusev/Cena, where the heck did that come from o_O). This rivalry was Dean's feeling of betrayal, this was Dean snapping and becoming the Lunatic Fringe, this was Dean Ambrose showing me how entertaining wrestling could be. And yes, I guess this means I started watching wrestling because of Dean Ambrose jumping out of nowhere every week to have at Seth Rollins. Heh.

All of their matches were classic. The Summerslam match was my favorite of the night (even though Dean lost), Dean making his great return at NOC for Seth's open challenge was so awesome and funny, and falling off the cell at HIAC? Awesome. Even though they were with five other guys for the MITB match, I loved them fighting there too. And even though I didn't know who he was, I loved him running back with a dislocated shoulder to almost win MITB. Would've been great if he actually did win it... *sigh*

Okay. I probably talked about this way too much lol but you get it. This rivalry was so much fun. I didn't even count Dean Ambrose making Seth do the Ice Bucket Challenge (What? It's for charity!), booby-trapping the briefcase, or the hot-dog cart--those things made this rivalry even better.

7. Favorite NXT Superstar

Finn Balor, hands down. I feel kinda bad for Hideo Itami, because Finn debuted only a few weeks after Hideo, except Finn became so much more popular...

So, yeah. He's an awesome NXT champion, and waking up at 5 AM to watch him win it at Beast In The East was worth it lol

I also love Sami Zayn, although he's my second favorite. I hope he can climb his way to the top again and make it onto the main roster soon :)

8. Favorite NXT Diva

Bayley, of course. Her rivalry with Sasha Banks was amazing, and at Brooklyn? She stole the show with that match. I think she and Sasha Banks made history with that match, and when Bayley won the title it was such a great moment. She worked so hard to get there, and now she's an awesome Women's Champion. Her character is so fun, I love everything she does with all the high fives and hugs. I hope she's the champ for a long time, she deserves it :D

9. Random Superstar Appreciation

Damien Sandow. He's been forgotten by WWE recently, I don't think he's been on TV in months. But people don't appreciate him as much as they should. His gimmick as Mizdow was absolutely hilarious, and it's really sad to see that when it ended, they just pushed him into another 'dress like someone else' gimmick instead of maybe giving him his own character for a while. He should come back, he's so great. I'd love to see him on Raw again.

10. Random Diva Appreciation

Becky Lynch. I was going to try and go with someone who isn't my favorite, but Becky needs some appreciation. She's been working her butt off since she debuted, and while her two tag partners have done great things--Paige got the belt on her first night, and when PCB broke up she got two more. Charlotte won the belt only two months into her main roster time. Both of them have been NXT champs, too-- she's been left alone in the dust. She's never been given the NXT belt, and she's never been given a Diva's championship opportunity. I feel like her time may be coming up, but I kinda doubt she'll win it from Charlotte, WWE's chosen face of the Divas division and Ric's little girl. Maybe some day...

So, yeah! Those are my 10 random WWE answers! For this challenge, I'll tag SlayxSasha and NightOwl125, but anyone else is welcome to do this if they want. Thanks for reading, Rosebuds! Have a great day!

(Can't wait for the Slammy Awards tonight, by the way! I wonder who'll win Superstar of the Year...?)

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