Chapter 40

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Riley's POV

"I'm really glad we did this." I tell Jonathan as I lean my head on his stomach

Patrick was kind enough to lend us his beach house for a few days, it was right off of Lake Michigan, and only about an hour way from Chicago, so it worked out great.

"Me too." He smiles taking hold of my hand

The day was slowly coming to an end, we arrived here early this morning, and we been having a blast ever since. Pat and Mia both tagged along, so they kept things interesting, but we finally got to do what we came here to do, relax. It feels nice to just get away from the city, and have sometime to ourselves. So here we are, all snuggled up on the beach, as we watch the sunset.

"It's weird how life works out." I comment as the waves crash into shore

The view is just spectacular.

"How so?"

"You know how some people reach their breaking points in life, like not knowing if they should continue on or not." I pause looking up at him

"Sure, everyone eventually goes through that at one point."

"Right, well when I hit mine, I never would of guessed that I would be living the life I am now." I say honestly "I mean if you would told ten years ago, that I would move to Chicago, meet the people I did, and be with you, I would of thought you were crazy, but now that I'm here, I couldn't be happier."

I smile at the last part

"I'm glad you came." Jon tells me pressing a kiss to my forehead

"I am too." I smile snuggling closer to him

We sit there, just enjoying each other's presence, as the sun slowly descends.

The silence doesn't last too long, before we hear music blasting from the house, thank god we're in a private area, or else we'd be getting a lot of complaints.

Pat and Mia stayed at the house, doing God knows what

"Looks like Pat found the radio." I chuckle as I begin to get up "We should probably head back, before he ends up breaking something."

Let's face it we all know Pat can get a little riled up, when it comes to partying.

I brush the sand off my shorts, as I wait for Jon to get up

"Wait." He tells me

I give him a confuse look as I wait for him to respond "Dance with me."


He takes a step closer to me and grins
"Dance with me."

Almost as if planned, one of my favorite songs starts playing

"So what do you say? Hmm?" Jon grins, raising his eyebrows, as he extends his hand

I can't help, but smile as I take his hand

He places his one hand on my waist, as I place one of mine on his shoulder, our other hands interlock, and we begin to move in sync

The lyrics start to pour in and it couldn't had been more of a perfect song

Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself

"You know what was the first thing I noticed about you, when we first met?"

"What's that?" I ask, a smile never leaving my face.

"Your smile." I can feel myself blush "But there was something that always seemed to hold you back from letting it shine, why is that?"

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