2: Interviews

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I know I said that I would be doing weekly updates, but this chapter is amusing, and I'm having a crappy night. I don't want anyone else to have a crappy night, so here. Laugh a little.


Mark's POV

"Oh, guys. Won't there be teams?" Wade suddenly spoke, and I looked up from my lunch, my eyes widening. Bob and the others looked up too, and we nodded. "I just overheard Felix talking about it, and he is teamed with those three there," he pointed behind us, and I turned to see him, Ken, Cry, and Marzia all sitting next to him as they discussed what looked like a plan for the arena.

"We're a team, yes?" I asked, and the others nodded again, glancing at each other and looking up at me. "Are we not going to discuss that we're simply going along with the Hunger Games?" I demanded, and Yami shifted uncomfortably across from me.

"Its just a simulation, right?" Jack asked, his voice sounding small. "There's no actual death or anything, it's just a game."

"Yeah, a game made for realism." I muttered, and Bob reached a hand over, resting it on my shoulder.

"Mark, don't worry about it. We'll be fine, okay? We'll team, and we'll take care of each other." he promised me, and after I glanced down at my food with my stomach churning, I nodded.

"We'll have to take care of each other." I agreed, looking up. Yami flashed me a smile, shoving Wade who sat next to him. Jack grinned, looking down at his food and picking through it. Bob looked thoughtfully around the rest of the tables, and I joined him.

The other YouTubers around the tables were gathered, settling themselves into teams. It seemed like most everyone had a plan, and the thought hit me as I looked around. There were a lot of these people whom I would like to team with, but our group was big enough. It was nearly a sixth of everyone here, and in perspective that was a lot. I looked over to Jordan, or CaptainSparklez, wondering if he had a team but he was instead talking to Adam; Seananners. He had talked about hacking the system before, and I wondered if he was going to. I didn't get to think anymore, as Felix had suddenly wandered over to our table.

"Heyo, Jack. You got yourself a team or do you want to join us?" he asked, placing his palms on the table beside the Irishman and looking down at him. Jack looked at the rest of us and grinned.

"This here is the team of Boss." Jack informed the Swede. "We're going to wreck all of you in the games, sorry Felix," but Felix only grinned.

"Hey, man. That's okay, you do what you do. Just remember that we'll come after you first," he grinned and walked back to his table, leaving Jack to chuckle nervously.

"He didn't mean that, did he?" he asked, and Wade laughed as we did, calming down to answer the question.

"No, of course not. He was only joking to brush off your declining his request. I overheard their plans, and it's just to keep Marzia safe because she's a little worried about the games. God knows Felix would take a bullet for her." Wade said, and we all nodded, laughing softly.

"It looks like lunch is over, let's get back to the room." I suggested, knowing that this would be the point in time where we would get our help. Sure enough when we got back, one of the maidens stood by the door, the same one who escorted us in yesterday. She had a wide grin, and she opened the door for us and followed us in.

"These are the suits you can wear for tonight," she said, gesturing to the black bags that were hanging now in the closet. Each had our names on them, and she opened our unused drawers. "In there, each of you also has a set of clothes designed for you that are black, and with your names on them. Each of them comes with a bracelet that latches on. This is a device for the area for you to help stimulate that game, and we ask that once you put on the Arena Suit, you wear the bracelet as well." She beamed at us as we marveled over the tuxes for later tonight. "Feel free to ask any questions that you may have and we'll aid you to the best of our abilities!" With that, she walked out of the room, shutting the door. I leaned down to inspect the outfits for the arena.

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