19: The Victor of the First Annual Hunger Games

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Mark's POV

I got up the next morning, finding Jack fast asleep next to me. He had been so tired in the night, and when the cannon went off, he was the one to wake me to alert me. I offered to keep watch, and fell asleep which really didn't matter anyway. Wade was dead, as I suspected, and last night the only other player left in the game died, known as Pewdiepie. I was sure that Jack would try to convince me that there was someone else, and I wouldn't stand for it. I knew that if it came down to us, I would have to fight him. A part of my brain kindly reminded me that even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to hurt the Irishman, but I woke him anyway, smiling and telling him to get up.

"Mind if I lead the way?" I asked after we had fully woken up and eaten some food. Jack shot me a funny look but nodded, and I grinned. I felt the small sword at my side to make sure it was there, and the knife on my other side. After drinking some water, the day already growing warm, I hiked my bag over my shoulders and set out, Jack following close behind me.

The woods were peaceful the further we got away from the death last night, and we walked in the shade as much as we could. I cursed the dark outfits under my breath every time I could, and drank my water as I pleased, not bothered to worry about saving some. I knew that today was the last day, and I knew where we were going. As we walked through the woods, we made our way back through familiar places. Around where we camped all together one night, and even around the bowl where the waterfall fell in, and we saw the two other YouTubers who lasted a lot longer than I expected jump in. Jack seemed to realize where we were going a little too late, and within a few minutes, the bunker was in sight.

"Why are we here?" Jack asked me, and I turned to him with a reluctant grin. We made our way over, standing and sitting in the shade of the building as I drank more water. I fumbled my fingers over the hilt of my sword, and swallowed, sweating twice as much now. I was nervous at the thought of even hurting Jack. This was my best friend, and the last thing that I wanted to do was hurt him. It pained me to see Jack look so innocent sitting next to me, and I stood up, sighing deeply. He glanced at me when I did this, and he chuckled nervously as he saw m hand on my sword. "Ya know, with the way you're holdin' your sword, it looks like you're gonna attack me," he admitted, and I could only shrug.

"Might as well before you do me." I said, almost inaudibly as I didn't want the words to leave my lips. I still didn't want them to be true. Jack did a double take and gaped at me.

"Mark, not you, too," he groaned, throwing his head back and shaking it. "I haven't killed anyone other than that Ian guy from Smosh, and that's because he was attackin' Bob." he explained, and I only glared down at him.

"Jack, we're the only ones left." I told him slowly in a low voice, and he froze, eyes widening as he realized why I was standing . He stared at the ground, eyes wide as the moon, and his mind seemed to be racing. I kept a hand by my side as he thought about what to do, just in case he attacked. He stood abruptly, and I stumbled back, my hand on my sword.

"No!" Jack snapped at me, and then looked at the ground. "No, that doesn't make any sense. We're missing someone, we have to be." I stared at him through narrowed eyes, and he began to pace. "There has to be someone else, there has to be." He looked like he was counting obsessively on his fingers, and his gaze was narrowed in concentration. I was rather confused, for if he was going to attack me then this was an odd strategy to distract me. He looked up at me, still rather confused, and his eyes widened again. "Mark, behind you!" Instinct almost had me turn around, but I only grinned. This must be his real tactic to distract me.

"Jack, I know better! You're just going to attack me if I do that. You had me convinced this entire time that it wasn't you, but it really was!" I shouted, and Jack shook his head vigorously. He took a step towards me, and I took one back, making him freeze as I did. "If you come any closer, then I will kill you."

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