3: Let the Games Begin

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Felix's POV

"You know, for outfits that we're going to be surviving in, they're rather stylish." Marzia noted, and I turned to her to find her lacing up her boots. Her hair was tied back, and she looked ready to get into that arena and kick ass. I grinned at her, pulling my jacket on and she pulled out a bit of face paint. She dipped her thumb into it, painting black lines under my eyes like war paint, and I did the same to her. She giggled as I zipped up my jacket and then hers, and we clasped the other's bracelet on. "Are you scared?" she whispered, and I knew that she must have seen the anxiety in my eyes. No one was quite sure how this simulation was going to work, and the idea of participating in the actual Hunger Games was quite daunting. However, I looked down at her and kissed her on the forehead.

"Only that you'll turn on me." I whispered, and she giggled at this.

"Nah, I'll let Jack do that when you try to kill him," she told me, and I laughed at this, holding her hand as a knock on the door sounded. One of the maidens appeared, and she asked us to follow her and she escorted us to the commons. After that, she took us back into another room that was leading off the open area, and inside a second large room. It was rather dim, and the walls were simply a large box that was covered in lights, wires, pipes, and several other gadgets that I didn't recognize. Sam was standing there, and I could see that we were some of the last to arrive. Cry and Ken quickly found their way over to us, and I gave them a curt nod as Sam began speaking.

"Alright, this is the beginning of the Games! I hope you're all excited, and we'll get to see the full extent of our software. Good luck, take care, and we'll see you all on the other side!" Sam said, and with that all of the people in the room who weren't YouTubers quickly left. I squeezed Marzia's hand as the door shut slowly, being locked from the outside. We waited, but nothing happened.

Suddenly, all the wires and intricate designs in the walls began lighting up with a light blue, growing brighter and brighter by the second until it was nearly blinding. I felt as though my muscles were being twisted in ways that they shouldn't, and it didn't really scare me until I lost grip on Marzia. I couldn't move, however much I wanted to, and when I opened my eyes, I nearly screamed in surprise.

All around me was an exact replica of the picture that had been shown to us on night one. A large open field, and the platforms equally spaced out while several items lay near a small opening to what looked like a simple bunker. What caught me the most off guard was how real everything looked. The platform underneath me was solid, the rays of sun actually emitting heat and making me uncomfortably hot under my dark clothes. The grass wasn't that short, and swayed gently in the wind that rustled the leaves of the trees nearby. It seemed like we were really here, in this area as if it were a part of reality. For realism, this was something awfully good.

I noticed a large set of pixelated numbers suddenly hovering in the air, and they had just hit thirty seconds, still counting down. I must have been distracted, and now was not a good time. I needed to assemble my team. I turned, looking for Marzia who was right next to me which I felt relief with. Cry was about three more down from me, and he caught my gaze behind his mask, giving me a nod as we saw the other. I couldn't get ahold of Ken as he was all the way on the other end of the arena, but I could only hope that he would follow us. I looked at Marzia, mouthing the words 'behind us' to her, and she gave me a nod as the numbers counted down.


I took a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling as I closed my eyes for a simple, brief moment.


It was time to go.


Get in, get out, and go.

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