12: Storms

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 Felix's POV

"Did you hear that?" Marzia asked, but the question was redundant. We all froze, hearing the cannons as they went off. There were two within a short distance of one another, but at the third one we all stopped moving, unsure of what to think of it. One or two would be okay, but so many meant that something had happened somewhere, and a lot of people were dead. Three in a single day was unheard of if not the first day, and I began to worry for Marzia and Cry.

"A couple of groups must have run into one another." Cry said, speaking up and staring off into the woods. I nodded, swallowing, and turned to him. He gave me a small, reluctant smile and continued walking forward, me and Marzia following him.

My accusations against him had not made him happy, but I supposed that was expected. I had accused him of killing everyone, and even Marzia was questioning my motives at this point. Maybe it had been a bit far fetched, but in my brain I was still suspicious. He was still leading us around after all, and it was curious that he was keeping track of our whereabouts and knew when people would say. Either the world was stacking up coincidences against him, or he really was the one who was murdering people at night. The only thing that stuck out against that theory was that Marzia and I were still alive. Surely he wouldn't be crazy enough to do something like save us for last, as he should know that Marzia and I would protect one another with our lives, no questions asked. Even so, everything else was pointing at him. For the sake of the group, I kept my mouth shut.

We were back to wandering through the woods aimlessly, and Cry was again leading us. He seemed to have an idea where to go, and Marzia wasn't going to question his motives as I would. Of course, I said that I would be quiet until I had proof and so I stayed that way. I didn't like the thought of him leading us, but in the end, all he had to do was to try to hurt Marzia and I would slit his throat with my katana.

Cry didn't say anything either, and he was forcefully polite to me after my supposed 'wild' accusations. I could tell that he was offended by my words, but in the end if I was right it wouldn't matter anyway. The entire group was quiet as we moved, simply walking and thinking. It didn't leave much room for listening, and we could have been snuck up on rather easily since we were so lost in through. Thank goodness that when we were snuck up on, it wasn't by people.

I heard the thunder before I felt the rain, and realized just how heavy the air felt. There was a major storm on the way, and the wind around us began swirling. The trees were waving wildly, some leaning over dangerously far and the rain started light, but it wasn't hard to tell how quickly it would evolve into a full storm soon. Lightning flashed overhead, and Cry turned to us at the second flash.

"There's an area up ahead that looks like it will have a cave, I say we go there," he shouted over the sudden storm, and we nodded, Marzia huddling behind me to shelter herself from the rain. She was getting cold quickly, and none of us had the time or the energy to argue with Cry as he walked forward. The trees above caught most of the rain that began pelting down, but when it started pouring, the trees did little for us. Cry reached a sort of beach looking area, and I noticed that it ended in a small bluff. Down below was a rocky area, and sure enough, there was a small path that led down to a small cave opening.

On the inside, it wasn't very large. About the size of a small living area at home, and we managed to curl up on the inside, only slightly soaked all the way through. I unloaded my bag as did Marzia, and we set out what supplies we had on us at the time. Thankfully nothing was damaged by the water, although the firewood we collected was wet and would be difficult to start now, but Cry had matches and seemed to work wonders with them, creating a small flame in no time. We huddled around the fire, sharing some crackers and a bit of dried meat as we left our things to dry beside us. It was quiet, and while I ate I gazed around the cave walls. It looked like it had been carved by the ocean itself, and I wondered if it would flood. Cry seemed to wonder the same, and I joined him moments later as he built a small wall at he entrance made of rocks and mud. We rejoined Marzia back at the fire, and listened to the sounds of rain slapping against the ground above us. Suddenly, Cry started laughing.

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