4: Separated

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 Chilled's POV

"You guys missed it last night, there were seven dead." GaLm said, and my eyes flickered open at his words. I stayed, laying on my back and staring up at the sky as he and Ze continued to talk.

"Do you remember who was taken out?" Ze asked, and GaLm sighed.

"There was a lot of people, most of them from a single group of YouTubers who play minecraft called Team Crafted." GaLm said, rubbing his chin or so I presumed. "But CinnamonToastKen and Minx also didn't make it out either."

"Minx didn't make it?" I demanded, shooting into a sitting position. GaLm flinched at my sudden movement, and Ze shot a glance at me. GaLm shook his head, swallowing roughly.

"I don't really remember a lot of what happened, only that everything was sudden. When Ze and I got up there, we were grabbing at different items, but suddenly there was blood, and a lot of it. The killing and stuff, it wasn't like a game at all. When they said that realism played a factor, I had no idea that they meant that." GaLm lifted up a bandaged arm. "This hurts, like an actual cut up my arm would. It feels like this is actually happening, and I don't know what to feel about it." GaLm lowered his head, and closing his eyes he shuddered. "I don't know who was attacking, and who killed everyone, but I think it was one guy." There was silence, and it was hard to take most of this in. I swallowed, and Ze hummed softly.

"That means that all of us sleeping last night was a bad idea," he pointed out. "If someone took all those people out, then he has every intent to kill. He could be out looking for us right now."

"Or she." I said, and Ze shot me a look.

"The only other female gamer that was invited here was Marzia, and I doubt she's going on a murder rampage," he said, but GaLm only snorted.

"Hey, the underdogs are known for being the ones you'd least expect to win. I'd trust Pewdiepie to try to keep her alive, but she might turn on him. Who knows?" he said, and I chuckled at this, wrapping my jacket back around my body and zipping up the rather large pockets that held my items. I had a small sword at my side, and a length of rope that I had stuffed into the small bag Ze carried. He and I shared our items, and Smarty and GaLm used their own together. After considering things for a moment, shoving the perishable items into Ze's bag, I froze.

"Where is Smarty?" I asked, and Ze stopped, hands freezing over the bag where he had been placing his own jacket. GaLm frowned, looking up into the sky. I looked up there too, but noticed a stunning lack of Smarty.

"Smarty went off a few hours ago, saying that he was going to get food." GaLm admitted, and I stiffened.

"And you let him without telling the rest of us?" I asked, and GaLm sighed, shrugging.

"To be fair, GaLm and Smarty couldn't sleep, and they were probably up most of the night rather than sleeping." Ze chipped in, GaLm nodding. I shook my head, waving my arms.

"No no, regardless. You guys, we're a team! We can't be taking off alone, and we can't withhold this kind of information from one another." I stated, and Ze took in a deep breath, his chest puffing out as he looked between GaLm and I, and I stared the other man down. "How are we supposed to know where he is? We have no way of knowing which way he went, if he was in trouble or is in trouble. He could be dead already for all we know!"

"Okay, okay!" GaLm snapped, closing his eyes and exhaling roughly in frustration. "Give me a second to pack and I'll go look for him."

"That's an even worse idea!" I said, grabbing at my hair in anger. "He went alone, and if he's in trouble then that means you'll get caught too! How will you even tell which direction he went?"

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