14: Murderer

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Chilled's POV

It was so odd to be on my own now.

I was so used to having someone with me, around me, there to help. Even if it was just another voice in the background, the silence around me was unnerving, never ending, and I wasn't sure that I liked it. There was a ring of truth when people said that silence was deafening, and I desperately wished that Ze was here at least, along with the rest of the Derp Crew. Part of me wondered if I died, would it make my trip to see the Derps faster back at the hotel building? Another part told me that to just die was the coward's way out, and there was no guarantee that it wasn't death permanently after the game. Either way, I still had to avenge Ze. I remember him telling me something about it before he died, but I think I was too focused on the fact that he was dying to pay attention.

Suddenly, the wind around me changed direction, and I felt the air grow cold. I looked up, seeing dark clouds rolling in overhead, and I found myself groaning in anger. I couldn't afford to let this storm slow me down, and so I suited up with my jacket and my vest, pulling the hood over my head and zipping it up all the way and hiking my bag over my shoulder. I continued walking forward, wondering how I would find Mark's group. They had been the ones to kill Ze, right? Yamimash was a part of their group and he had ended Ze's life, right in front of me. I gritted my teeth, trying to forget that as much as I possibly could.

The rain came rather suddenly, starting slow but quickly turning into heavy downpour. I groaned again in frustration, but said nothing as I continued on. The leaves of the trees above and the plants below swung in the wind that picked up rather heavily, and hung low, wet with the rain that came down from the sky. The wind itself was nearly enough to sweep me off my feet completely, and I kept my gaze focused, forward, and where my foot would hit the ground next. The air was cold; chilled one might say, and I grinned to myself at my own joke, only realizing moments after that no one else was around to laugh at it. This thought made my chest hurt, and so I pushed on.

The forest around me echoed with the sounds of the storm, the thunder making its way through the trees and lightning illuminating the world for all but a brief moment in time. The rain sounded like it was coming down in layers as it slapped against the leaves and bushes next to me, and then everywhere else, too. Had I not been miserably cold, and stuck with the sinking feeling of loneliness and despair making a home in my stomach, I might have considered it something beautiful, the way the world worked. However, I could feel my jacket already letting rain soak through, and I gritted my teeth. In the long run, it might be easier just to rest up through the storm.

My thoughts flickered back to Ze, his body lying still on the grass as he bled out. His eyes were strangely calmed behind his fear, and he seemed accepting of what had befell him. I couldn't give up on him or the rest of the Derps yet, they were of high importance to me. I would do this for them, even if it meant freezing to death in this storm. I knew for a fact that Yamimash had been the one to attack Ze, he had told me so, but Yami had died not too long after that. A part of me wondered if it was simply Mark's entire group that was going around and killing people, but I couldn't tell for sure. Mark didn't seem like the kind of guy to do something like that, but then again neither did Yami. It was hard to determine what I should do about this, as Yami was dead and he had attacked Ze and killed him, and I suddenly wondered if going after Mark's entire group would even be a good idea. They were the largest by far, even down by two members, and I was a single man.

Yet, I couldn't help but think of Ze again. His dying breath, eyes closing, exhaling. It would be difficult to forget this, and I knew in my heart that I couldn't let it go. I wouldn't, I would go after them, even in this storm that was now getting colder. The lightning flashed through the sky again, lighting up the woods just enough for me to see several yards in front of me for a split second. I could see something moving through the woods, and from the looks it was the shape of another person, moving towards the shelter of some trees. I pulled out my sword, not caring who it was. I was soaked through my clothes now, I was miserable and tired, and the last thing that I wanted to do was fight someone. But he had shelter, and I needed to avenge Ze.

As I walked up behind this person, who still didn't suspect me, I paused, wondering if I was doing the right thing. Was killing him really that answer to what I needed? Then, I never got the chance to decide what to do as he heard me, turning and gasping while pulling out his own weapon and turning to me. It was another sword, longer than mine and he swung it towards me. I lifted my own to block, and then quickly whipped around and slashed at him while ducking, hitting him in the legs.

I'd never used a sword before, and the fact that I was fighting with none other than CaptainSparklez who played Minecraft and used swords daily made it worse. I hacked, and swung, but he seemed to know what he was doing more than I did. He was quick, and managed to hit me in the arm, leaving a small cut there. I slipped a bit on the ground, but managed to regain my footing as he moved forward, swinging and hacking at me with force. Yet, he seemed to be exhausted, and unprepared on too many levels, allowing me to push him onto the ground and pin him there. The ground was sopping wet, and everything around us was dark, and for a split second, my sword raised in the air as I stared down and watched this other man, I paused. Did I really want to kill another person? I wasn't the type of guy to do this, but then I remembered Ze and suddenly my sword went through his chest. I choked out a sob, and as he disappeared, I lowered my head and stared into the ground, barely able to hear the cannon fire overhead through the clap of thunder. I had his shelter now, whatever items he had on him, and I felt slightly better about myself for letting Ze die in my arms as he did.

But I was a murderer.


Sorry that it was so short, but it was necessary for Chilled's POV to be in here. 

Chilled's now going against everything that Ze told him, what do you guys think will happen?

Any clues on the murderer? ;D

Anyway, I hope you guys have a frantastic week, and I'll see you all on Friday!


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