Chapter 1 - The News

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Knock knock. I hear on my bedroom door at the foster home. Yes I am a foster kid sadly. My twin brother and I stuck in this one house filled with 20 kids. To be honest, I am just a regular teenager but just better than everyone else at everything considering I am the oldest; along with my brother. Anyways, I get up from my bed as I here the knocking again! Gosh! People don't give you a chance do they?! As I slowly but surely get to the door I open it to see my care worker; Jonathan.

"Yes!" I said in an annoyed tone. "What is it now?"

Jonathan replied

"Ok missy. Cut the attitude right now. Your not little miss perfect. Anyway I came up here to give you some good news."

I stared at him blankly. Then about ten seconds later I replied

"You know what? I really don't CARE!!"

And with that I slammed my door shut. I had realised it didn't make the noise so I turned around to see his foot jammed in my door. Seriously!! Jonathan pushed the door open with the foot that got jammed in it and walked straight over to me.

"Okay, really Chantel!? Why would you do something like that?!" Jonathan said in a very unhappy tone. " I had really, really great news for you thinking you would be happy for once in your life but look how you ruined the moment!"

"Ok Ok I'm sorry. But there is never good news for me. Well, no good news that actually serves me any good. To be honest unless I'm being adopted then I don't really care." I replied in a sloppy tone.

"But that's the thing, Chantel. You ARE getting adopted!!"

Wait. Did the whole world just stop for this moment for me? Because right now I need a chance to take in what he just said. Me. Chantell Cambridge. The 'selfish' girl who somebody finally wants to adopt??? This is such great news!!!!!!!!!! I mean who wouldn't want to adopt me. I am such a great kid with a heap of personality. What can I say. I am a joy to be with.

"I have even more great news. You wouldn't believe who wants to adopt you!" Jonathan carried on.

"Who???" I asked in an excited tone

"The one and only............. Diversity!!!"

Slow your roll. Diversity wants to adopt me!!!!! I mean who could blame them but still!!!! This is great. This is such a win win situation. I would finally be adopted, It's by Diversity and it would give me more street cred. This is amazing!!!!!

"Ummm hellloooooo kido!" Jonathan said waving his hands in front of my paralysed face.

"Oh sorry. This is such great news. Who would think that Diversity would want to adopt someone anyway."

"Oh I forgot. Just to be specific it's the Banjo family that are adopting you." Jonathan said in a calm and collected tone.

"Well that's even better!!!" I replied with extra excitement Jonathan added onto me.

"Well they are coming around in about 2 hours so I would get ready if I were you."

"Jonathan! Why didn't you tell me this before hand????" I asked with a bit worry in my voice thinking I wouldn't be ready to look presentable in front of them

"Well I would of had told you this week but somebody was in a bit of a strop. And this morning you were the same!"

"Oh yeah. Sorry about that by the way." I said feeling guilty for being so rude to Jonathan this morning. He was only trying to help.

"It's okay. But come get ready, look presentable and please for tour own sake be on your best behavior." Jonathan warned me.

"Yes sir." I saluted but took his command seriously. If I mess this up then I may not be adopted ever. But who wouldn't want me? I am a likeable person. Eggh there I go with the selfishness again. Better stop before the Banjo family get here.

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