Chapter 9 - Love All Around

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"There has been a lot of tension in this family recently but I'm not going to start blaming anyone."

Danielle has us sitting here awkwardly in the living room, trying to discuss our 'issues'.

"Does anyone have anything to say before I move on?" She asked us.

I discreetly nudged Calvin on the arm, hinting he should say something. I really think he needs to before things get out of hand. He looked at me but then put his head down. I knew I had to step in and say something because this was erring ridiculous.

"So if no one is going to..."

"No wait. I have something to say"

"Well proceed Chantel." Danielle requested.

Calvin was looking at me as if I was crazy. Well, crazy is my middle name if it helps my brother feel better.

"It's nothing to do with me but someone in this family has been feeling neglected recently and I'm speaking up for them." I stated. Something needed to be said.

"And who may that be Chantel?" Danielle asked in shock.

I looked over at Calvin and he got up and left the room. I put my head down because I felt bad for him but something has to be said.

"Is it...?" Danielle asked.

"Yep. It is..." I replied.

Everyone was looking at me in silence. I looked up at Ashley and he seemed a bit confused. I'm not sure why but there was nothing confusing about what I said considering it was his fault Calvin is feeling this way. I decided to leave the room because that's all I had to say and it's all I wanted to say. I trekked up the stairs to speak to Calvin and I was praying he wasn't upset with me. Knocking on his door and saying his names multiple times I became fed up and just walked into his room. And yes you guessed it. He was agin laying in his bed looking up at the ceiling.

"Cal, I'm so sorry. But something had to said. I couldn't stand you feeling this way. Please say something."


"Please Calvin. I want my hyperactive, fun and crazy twin back!" I pleaded shaking him at the same time.

He suddenly sat up and hugged me with such passion. He took me by surprise at first, but I still embraced him in my arms.

"It's fine Chants. I wasn't upset with you in the first place." He finally spoke.

I was so relieved I just hugged Calvin even tighter. I really loved Cal. Ok! Now this is a big issue! I'm now as soft as a pillow!

"Love you Chants"

"Love you too bro!"

After our little moment, we heard a knock on the door. Calvin called out 'come in' and in came the famous Ashley Banjo. Now I know everyone else would die to meet him but to be completely honest with you, I'm sick of him already.

"What do you want?!" I asked him. Ok now my attitude back! Awesome!

" Can I speak to you Calvin?" He asked completely ignoring my question.

"Yeah sure..." Calvin asked unevenly.

"Alone would be great." He said directing it towards me. I was about to say something but Calvin beat me to it.

"Umm actually... I want Chantel to stay. Whatever you can say in front of me, you can say in front of her!"

I was pleased with what Calvin said. It just showed how close we really are.

"Alright. Fine." Ashley responded and sat on the next next to Calvin and I.

"First off I want to say sorry. And I know you must be wondering why. This sorry means that I'm sorry for not talking to you or connecting to you as much as I should be considering you are now my little brother. Also, this sorry means that I am sorry for recognising you being neglected. Personally, I would hate it and you obviously do as well which makes it not ok. I also wanted to add a promise on this apology. I promise that I would be there for you more of the time and include you in more things that are going on in this family." Ashley said after is heart warming speech.

I looked over at Calvin and he didn't say anything. However, about 15 seconds later he decided to speak.

"I accept your apology Ashley... But this doesn't mean that I won't forget what happened."

"Ok. Fair enough." Ashley replied. He stood and opened his huge arms waiting for Calvin to react. Calvin stood up as well to embrace himself into Ashley's arms.

This is when I realised maybe Cal and I really are Banjos now.

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