Chapter 3 - My Dream Come True

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Tucked in, in bed dreaming about weird and wacky things, until I hear another knock, knock on my door. Dèjá vu I thought in my head. It better be a good reason for waking me up at...... 7:00 AM!! Oh gosh. I walk over to my door and open it to see a smiling Jonathan with pieces of paper in his hand. This better be good!

"Good morning Jonathan." I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Good morning Chantel!" He said with an excited tone, obviously not hearing the sarcasm in my voice. Jonathan carried on speaking.

"Ok so sorry for waking you up so early but you need to get dressed and packed."

I was so confused. Get dressed and packed for what? Are we going on holiday or something?! Jonathan carried on.

"Well I know your wondering what for but remember when the Banjo family came to visit you last week?" I nodded in understanding what he meant. "Well they called yesterday and would do the honour of officially adopting you!"

I froze again in shock. This was another Dèjá vu moment. I can't believe I am finally getting adopted and it is by two diversity members!!! But I couldn't care less if they're on Diversity or not because their family is so loving I would pick them any day. I was still stood in shock until Jonathan started waving his hands in front of my face.

"Ok kiddo you can daydream later but right now you need to pack."

Without saying a word I rushed over under my bed where my suitcase was and started throwing things I needed in there.

1 Hour Later

I finally finished packed and made my way downstairs to the kitchen/ dining room. I only saw Jonathan there making pancakes. I guess I was the first one up. Good! I walked over and sat where I usually sat at breakfast, lunch and dinner.

"You all packed kiddo?" Jonathan asked

"Yep!" I replied.

He handed me three pancakes on my plate. I poured maple syrup on them as he sat down next me and started to say.

" You excited?"

" Yep! I can't wait." I replied

" I know. Being adopted by Diversity members is a big deal." He said.

"But Jonathan, it's not the fact that they're in diversity. It's the fact that I am actually getting adopted full stop. I actually thought that I would be stuck here until I am ready to move out. But now i don't have to cope on my own I finally have people there to help me along the way!"

"Understandable. And I am very proud of you for not losing hope in yourself. I am going to miss you Chantel. A lot!"

And with our speeches done and dusted we hugged eachother. I know I said I always wanted an older brother but Jonathan was basically an older brother to me. He was the only one who actually cared about me and my feelings apart from Calvin and I thank him for it! Oh speaking of Calvin.

"Right come on kiddo. Go up stairs and bring your suitcase down. Your new family will be here any minute."

"Um before I go upstairs, I just wanted to know. Did the Banjo's consider adopting Calvin too?"

"What about me?" Another familiar voice answered. As I turned around I notice Calvin weas standing behind me. With a suitcase next to him and a backpack on his back.

"So you are getting adopted right??" I aske praying he says yes.

"Well why else would I have a suitcase in my hand, I means we have never been on holiday so I wouldn't assume  todays the day so does that answer your question?!"

I didn't even reply but jumped on him instead, hugging with such force. Yaaay! I got my bro back!

Beep! Beep!

I hear outside as all our heads turned towards the door.

"Kiddo I guess thats your cue. Quickly get your stuff."

I rushed up stairs with different emotions going through my mind. I was happy that I was getting adopted, and my brother can cone with me, but I was also nervous because even thought they have adopted me they could still bring me back of anything goes wrong and I pray to the Lord that, that won't happen. Thump, thump, thump was the sound my suitcase made as I struggled down the stairs. I reached to the bottom and went I went to the living room to been seen with Jonathan, Calvin and the Banjo's AKA my new family.

"Hello Chant, are you ready to go?" Funso voice increased through the living room.

"Yep! I was born ready."

And I wasn't joking about that. Ever since I came here I always dreamed of finding that one special family to adopt me.

"Right then. I'll carry yours and Calvins stuff out and we'll give you some time to say bye." Funso carried on.

"Thanks." Calvin and I said together.

As they were making their way towards the door I turned and looked at Jonathan. My mind was blowing up with different emotions at that moment in time. Neither of us said a word to eachother but raced to embrace eachother in a warm hug. I was really going to miss him. He was the brother I never had but always wanted. We detached from the embrace and looked at eachother again.

"I'm gonna miss you kiddo." Jonathan said with sadness in his eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you too Jonathan. You really are my big bro and I'm gonna miss hanging out with you." I said sincerely.

"Are uou also gonna miss shouting at me like you always did?!"

"Yeah, about that...... Sorry." I apologised with a little giggle at the end.

"It's fine." He replied.

We heard a car horn go off outside as Calvin and Jonathan were finishing off their goodbye. It must be the Banjo waiting for us.

"Well we better go. Thanks again Jonathan."

"No problem kiddo. See you soon." He said while waving.

And with that I exited out of the care home ready to start a new and fresh life.

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