I'm A Teenage Slut, Beast, Girl

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***This is a very short story but I like it and the end gets really exciting and good. Plus I want to make a sequel that has more action and mystery with a bunch of romance and teen drama. But in order to understand the sequel you have to read this one. I hope you enjoy if not...then why are you reading it?***


Chapter 1:

“You can tell him to go fuck himself!” I yelled.

“Uh, I’m not going to tell him that.” Allison said holding the phone to her chest.

Lela’s ex-boyfriend was on the other end. He wanted her back again. She wasn’t having it, she didn’t like dating a boy twice and she hated dating a boy three times. “Fine, I’ll tell him!” She took the phone and held it up to her ear. “Shouldn’t you be at football practice? That’s basically were you are all day! Do you expect me to just to wait until you have time so we can spend ten minutes having sex and then you go back to the field to tackle some dudes?! Come to think of it you’re always with the guys! Sounds like your on the wrong team?!” Then she hung up.

“Be careful with the language my mom and dad are home.” Allison was a goody-goody girl. And I was not. Sometimes I wondered how were friends at all.

“Sorry All, I just am so tired of boyfriends. Maybe I should go gay.” I took the blue nail polish and started to paint my toe nails.

Allison laughed, “I could see it but I don’t think my parents would let us have sleepovers anymore.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. I was going to sneak into your bed at night and show you some of my lesbian moves.” I joked back.

“Did someone say lesbian moves?” I turned to see Matt, Allison’s older brother standing in the doorway.

Allison gave him a disgusted look. “Matt you’re so sick! What do you want and why are you listening to our conversation?!”  

“Well, I don’t personally want something but mom and dad want to know if Lela is coming camping with us this Spring Break? But if she’s gone gay then I don’t think you can share a tent.”

Allison ignored his last remark and turned to look at me. “Do you want to come? I mean if you can?” I didn’t need to ask. My mom worked day and night and she could care less about what I did. Not that I cared I was smart and if I needed something I went to the Internet. That’s were I learned about safe sex and safe cooking, which was good because I was sixteen and had already lost my virginity and then almost set the house on fire making Mac and Cheese.

“I’m pretty sure I can come it’s not like she’ll notice if I’m gone.” I said finishing the last coat of paint on my nails. There was no reply so I looked up to see Allison giving me a sympathetic look. “What?” I looked back to the door way to see Matt on his phone not paying any attention to us at all. He looked frustrated. “Is it Tina again? I saw her walking with Tyler Radisson the other day.”

He looked up now fully interested “When?”

“About…two days ago when I was walking with Kelly.” I said looking back at Allison. Her pity turned to an appalled expression.

“Why were with that…ugh?!” She yelled out. she hated Kelly.

“We’re chem. partners.” I said looking over my nails.

“When did this happen?!”

“Two weeks ago when Jimmy Grey, my lab partner got mono and then strep throat all in the same week.”

“Aw, pour Jimmy I forgot about that. How does that even happen?”

“Alison he’s a walking kissing booth. Almost every girl in the school has made out with him.”

“Seriously? Too bad he was kind of cute.”

Matt stepped in, “If he had mono and strep throat why would girls kiss him?”

I still didn’t look up from my feet, “He has the softest lips ever. His dad owns a Chap Stick factory and he gets to test out the new lip balms three years in advance. He told me that in a year there’s going to be shrimp flavor. Shrimp! That’s awesome right?”

“How do you know his lips are soft?” Allison asked while Matt said.

“What about Tina though?” I looked up at Allison first.

“Because…I have felt them my self.” Allison’s mouth dropped open.

“You whore! Is there anyone you haven’t kissed?”

“It was on Valentines Day, he sent me a card so I kissed him. And do you even know what a whore is?”

She was silent. I turned to Matt, “And Tina…yeah she withTyler and his arm was around her and well…they looked really comfortable.” His expression sank, “Oh, and before I forget I will be going camping with you guys.” I picked up a mirror and started to brush through my long wavy hair. Matt walked off without another sound.

“I don’t understand why is he so upset about Tina?” Allison asked.   

“Gosh, how could you ask that?” I turned to look at her. “It’s so obvious!” 

“What?” She walked toward me. I got up and closed the door then kneeled close to her.

“Tina was his first.”

“His first? You mean…they had…oh my god. I think I’m going to barf.” She gave a sickened face. “It’s just wrong!”

I laughed, “That’s probably why he’s so obsessed with her, because he’s in love with her.”

“Stop! Please!” She ran to the trash can and pretended to throw up. I rolled on the floor laughing.

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