Chapter 4

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The bomb fire was…well amazing. It would have been better if I was in a partying mood. There was one huge camp fire in the middle of a field and it was surrounded by smaller ones. Only teenagers were here and it looked like a fun time. But again I wasn’t in the mood. I wasn’t even hungry for the food being roasted and cooked and I loved barbeque! Allison ran over with a smile. “Isn’t this great?!”

“Yeah a lot of fun.” I lied.

“Ok now give me a hint. What does he looked like?” She wouldn’t drop it.

“No Allison. There nothing to see or say, it was just a one time thing nothing else.”

She started to pout. “What’s wrong Le? You haven’t been yourself since we got here.”

I shrugged. “I don't know maybe it’s this fresh air making me dull.”  She laughed.

“Fine I’m going to go talk to Ben and-”

“Don’t go talk to them.” I warned.


“Ben is a jerk! Earlier at the beach he grabbed my ass and said he wanted to see me wet. And I bet Jack is just as bad.”

She whined. “And I really liked them.”

“It never would have worked out. I mean how would you pick which one to be your boyfriend in the end?” She nodded. “There will be others. How about…” I searched the party for some boys. “That guy.” He’s cute and doesn’t look like a scum bag.” She smiled.

“I’ll go introduce my self.” She straightened her hair and clothes. “How do I look?”

“Great.” She started to skip/jump over to the boy. I felt a pat on my shoulder and turned around. It was a short red headed girl with bright green eyes and she looked angry.

“Have you been sleeping with my boyfriend?!”

“What? No I haven’t slept with anyone since I got here…well I got pretty close but it wasn’t your boyfriend.” 

“Are you lying to me?!” I was really not in the mood for this. “Because I will beat you down like the city slicker that you are.” I let my evil beast out.

“Look you red head with no soul! I didn’t fuck your boyfriend. I bet he’s not even good enough for my taste. And if your self esteem is so low that you have to accuse every girl of having sex your BF then maybe he’s not the best guy! Now run along and go eat some mushrooms to make your self feel better and don’t talk to me ever again!” At first she was shocked then her chin started to quiver and she ran off crying. A few people noticed the outburst and started to “Oooo and ahhh.”

I was personally not in the mood so I started to walk to the edge of the big field. I went down a trail and walked through the forest cursing myself for being so mean. Maybe I should find her and apologize. I was thinking of what to say when my flip flop caught and bent. I lost my balance and was about to fall to the hard ground when I felt strong hands grab my waste.

When they turned me around I saw Matt. He was looking at me with wide brown eyes. “Hay.” I said.

“Hi.” He smiled. He let go off me and I pushed away from him even though I didn’t want to.

“Thanks for saving me from a bad bruise.” I laughed.

“Any time.” There was a silence then, “I followed you. I saw you talking to that girl and I wanted to see if you were ok.”

I nodded. “I wanted to see if she was ok.”

“Why?” He walked next to me as I walked down the path.

“I was well mean and I wanted to apologize.”

“She should be apologizing. She threatened you and accused you of something you…maybe didn’t do.” My mouth dropped.

“You think I fucked her boyfriend too!” I was appalled. “I don’t’ even know who he is. And anyways I haven’t had any sexual contact in the last few days since…you.” I whispered the last part. He nodded and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked stressed. I wanted to relieve that stress. Wait what? No stop it hormones! I yelled inside my head. He started to laugh. Had I said that out loud. “What?”

“You look like your battling with yourself.” He said,

“Yep and it’s been using all my energy. Even your sister noticed that I haven’t been myself.”

“Is…it because of me? What I said the other day, it wasn’t true.”

“No I was feeling like this before that.” I sighed and then saw the lake. We had stepped out onto the beach. “Did I take the wrong trail?! I always do that!” He started to laugh. But then I noticed the water looked very comforting right now. So cool and alone. With the sun just going down the beast inside me wanted to go skinny dipping. I looked at Matt and smiled. He looked confused, I took off running toward the lake taking my shirt of as I did. Then my pants.

I took a deep breath and jumped in and felt my self go under. For a few seconds everything was cool and relaxed. I didn’t feel stress or pain or horny just… calm. My head didn’t thump against its self and the beast was satisfied. But as soon as I swam to the surface it all came back. As if it had followed me up.

Matt was still standing on the beach. It was took dark to see his expression. “Are you coming in?!” I yelled.

After a second or two he came running toward the water. I knew he would. They always did. He took off his shirt and shorts and then dove in next to me. I felt the currents move and he swam back up. His dark hair soaked and his body wet. He was so close his skin brushed against mine and then…he grabbed me. He kissed me. I kissed back and I thought I heard him sigh inside. Like he had wanted to do that since we stopped the other night. I put my arms around his neck and got as close as I could. Also wrapping my legs around him. He pulled me as close as possible. Then he finally let go and started to kiss my neck. I closed my eyes and just let him take control.

One of the reasons I never liked water was again because I was a control freak. I needed to be in charge of me and who was touching me at all times. Water on the other hand moved you, pushed you, and could kill you. It was sometimes to big to control and I was never really a good swimmer. But right now that’s exactly what I wanted. Someone else to be in charge.

And Matt was like water. He was in total control right now and I was ok with that. I doubt Allison would be but…what she doesn’t know won't hurt her. Matt finally pulled back and looked at me. He looked well…surprised. Like he had imagined something else. “What?” I asked.

“You just seem…different that’s all.”

“Bad different? Or…”

“Good, defiantly good different.” I smiled and kissed him again but I was stopped by a sharp attack at my feet. I screeched and jumped up into his arms. Like Scooby does to Shaggy but I’m not a dog and Matt was way hotter then Shaggy. “What?” He asked.

“I think something bit me. It was slimy and wet and just gross!” He laughed.

“Probably a fish.”

“Or your foot.” I laughed. He raised and eyebrow at me.

“If your to scared to stay in the water. We could go back to the tents.”

“I’m not really tired though.” I said.

He looked surprised. “Well we don’t have to sleep.”

“Then what are we going to do Matt?” I was messing with him. He shook his head.

“Maybe play a game.”

“What game?”

“Are you going to make me spell it out for you?”

“No but you could just say it.” That’s when I realized he had started caring me toward the shore.

“How about we just go back and I’ll show you when we get there.”

“Then how will I know if I like the game if I don’t know which one it is?”

 He smirked. “Oh, you’ll like it.”

I'm A Teenage Slut, Beast, GirlWhere stories live. Discover now