Chapter 10

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The boat party was basically like the beach party except the water was filled with boats, people, floaties, and coolers. The only people that were on the beach were the ones grilling and the people that didn’t like to get wet.

I stood on the dock and looked around for Allison. I had only come because I figured she would be here. She may have been upset but she would never miss a party. It was already dark and she was usually at parties as soon as they started.

I saw a lot of blondes in bikinis but none of them were her. Maybe she wasn’t here yet.

“Hay.” I turned around to see Mike. The dude that had thrown all the parties in the past week.

“Hi.” I turned back to the water ignoring him.

“I’m glad you came.”

“Yeah whatever.”

“Hmm are you looking for someone?”

“Yeah.” I turned to face him this time, “My friend she’s really upset and I need to talk to her.”

“What happened?” He actually looked like he cared.

“Uh some stuff I don’t want to talk about.”

“Ok I’ll help.”

“What? How?”

“I have a boat, I’ll take you out she’s probably on a boat anyways.”

“You would do that?”

“Yeah sure. You seem nice and I want to help.” Nice? If only he knew why she was upset with me. But it was a good offer.

“Fine.” He smiled.

“It’s this way.” I followed as he walked toward a small motor boat near the shore. I waited on the shore while he climbed in then he reached out a hand for me. I took it and he gave a strong tug to pull me into the boat.

When I was in I grabbed at his arm to stay upright on the shaking boat.

“Are you all right?” I nodded and sat down.

It was a really nice boat. Not like the old motor boats but the shiny painted cushioned kind. It wasn’t too big but there was plenty of room for me and him.

He started it up and I grabbed onto the edge as we started moving. He smiled at me.

We weren’t going fast but we stopped at some of the boats and I asked if they had seen a girl named Allison with blonde hair and blue eyes. But they all said no.

After going to the last boat Mike drove back to shore. “I guess she didn’t come.”

“She must be really upset then because she loves to party.” I sighed.

“I’m sorry.” He came to sit next to me.

“For what?”

“For not being able to help.”

“Well you did I guess I just didn’t get the results I wanted.”

I was surprised by how nice Mike was being. I just thought he was a kid that liked to throw parties on his spring break camping trip.

“You’ll think of something, I mean I heard what you did to Ben and no one else had the guts to teach him a lesson.”

“Well Ben was dick so…I was motivated.” He laughed. “I should probably get out of your boat now.”

“But I don’t want you to.”

I looked up at him and into his blue eyes with a dash of green. I felt like I was underwater swimming around in pure delight.

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