Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning with a headache. All this fresh air made me sick. Allison was a morning person and probably already with Ben and Jack. I sat up and got dressed.

Putting on some jean shorts and a tank top over my bathing suit. Then I put some make up over my hickey. After I was done with it, it was practically un see able. Unless you looked really closely. Then I took a deep breath and crawled out of the tent.

Allison and Matt sat outside, both eating cereal. “Lela!” Allison ran over with a piece of paper. “I wondered when you would get up. Look!” it was a flyer for some kind of bomb fire. “It’s tonight and we are so going!” Then she looked at my neck, “Nice job on the cover up by the way, I can’t even see the hickey.” She laughed then turned to Matt. “Last night Lela snuck out and went to see some guy. He gave her this huge hickey.” Matt choked on his breakfast. I cringed. “I mean it was really huge. I’m starting to think she was making out with a bear.” I couldn’t look at Matt I had no idea what his expression would be and I really didn’t want to know. Allison just laughed. “Ok, then Matt we’re going swimming.” She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me down the trail. “I can’t wait for tonight. I want to find out who this mystery man is.”

“You won’t.” I sighed. “And you really don’t want you to.”

“What? His he…old. I just knew it was a matter of time before you went after older men.”

“No he’s not well…he’s older then us but he’s not old.” She shrugged.

“I will find out.”

“Dear god I hope not.”


“Come on get in!” Ben yelled. I was sitting in the sand and Allison, Ben, and Jack were all in the water.

“No thanks I’m fine where I am.”

“Lela don’t be a spoilsport.” Allison called.

“I’m not I just don’t feel like swimming…with you” I said the last part in a whisper.

“If you don’t come in I’ll go and get you.” Ben yelled. I didn’t budge. He started to swim toward shore. He was joking, right? But he kept coming with a hungry look in his eyes. Then he made it. He started to run to the towel I sat on. I got up and was about to run away when he grabbed me from behind. His hands went around my waste and he lifted me up.

“Put me down!” He was incredibly strong and fast.

“Nope.” He started to move toward the shore. I struggled to get away but he held on tight. Then I felt his hand slip down to my butt. I flinched and gave him a shocked face. He winked at me. I started to push away from him even harder. I did not want to be in the water with this creep.  

“Let me go! I’m a bad swimmer!”

“Then I’ll save you if you drowned.”

“I rather you not.” I said. His grip tightened and we were getting close to the water. I started to kick. I was now really upset and I didn’t like it when a guy was in control. If I was in the mood then fine I would have let him drop me in the water and then maybe give him some close contact. But right now I was feeling out of habitat and out of control. I was a control freak like my mom and what Ben was doing now was taking all the control away from me. I looked at Allison for help but she was too busy talking to Jack. “Ben please put me down!” He laughed.

“As nice as that was you are very fine and I would really like it of you were wet.” He whispered. That was it!

“You jerk! Sick twisted douchebag!” I kicked even harder at him but that only seemed to make him laugh. “Get off!” We were right next to the water now when I heard.

“Ok enough put her down.” I looked up to see Matt with a stern face. Ben glared at him but Matt was older and taller and probably stronger so he finally set me back on the ground. “And you and Jack should probably stay away from Allison.” Ben’s muscles tensed. I could tell he didn’t like being told what to do.

But he nodded and started to walk back in the water but I had to add something. “And if you ever touch me again I’ll scream rape.” His eyes widened then he ran in the water probably to go tell Jack the bad news. I looked at Matt, “Thanks.” His stern look turned surprised.

“Yeah…don’t mention it.” Before he could say anything else I turned to walk back to where my towel was but Matt followed. “Maybe we should talk about last night.” I sat down and looked up at him.

“Yeah we probably should.”

“I’m sorry for…uh…” He seemed lost.

“For taking advantage of me?” I finished.

“What? I didn’t take advantage of you!” He got angry.

“You did to! You invited me in your tent.”

“And you said yes!”

“That’s because some kind of bug bit me and I was delusional. Probably thought you were Justin Bieber or something.”

He looked confused. “I don’t even know how to respond to that.” Allison then ran up.

“Hay, how come you didn’t get in?” She asked me.

“I told you, I didn’t want to.” I was still upset.

“Ok, jeez. Anyways Jack and Ben had to go for some reason.”

I nodded then saw Matt had left the conversation and was walking back to his towel and beach chair. I whined inside. He looked so hot in those trunks.

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